Chapter 33

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Pisces POV: Friends are Family
There is happy confusion as the me and the other Zodiacs discuss what we're going to do. Our two choices is to either stay here or go to our houses that are empty. Since most of our families are dead and all we have left is each other, we choose to stay at this new high school and continue our learning. But, there is one thing we want in return, we all have to be the same class. As Aries tells Ms. Celestia this, she nods her head and says," But of course. We will have you guys in a "gifted" program. So, that no one will be specious and you can still be together. I will see to it, that you can have the two rooms in the highest towers of the school. There should be enough room for six of you to a room. You guys can just at wait in the adjoining room."
         As she finishes, she points to a wooded door on the east wall. She sends us into there with Perseus while his friends are sent to their dorms. When we get into the room, we only have to wait about a few minutes before the Principal, Ms. Celestia comes and tells us where to go. With Perseus being our guide, we arrive at the girls' room in a few minutes. Perseus opens the door for the six of us and gives us each a key. We hug and he leads the boys to their room.
As I walk through the door and into my dorm with Cap, Virgo, Gemini, Libra,and Taurus, I see large circular room with six beds. Next to the bed farthest to the right is a small spiral staircase. When we finish assigning beds, I was left with the small staircase and the bed farthest to the right. I shrieked with joy as I walk up the staircase and saw in the small room was a bookshelf with tons of books with a a few beanbag chairs and a wooden desk and a comfy rolling chair. As the girls rush up the stairs to see if I'm alright, they look at me and know what I'm thinking; this will be my art studio/ Virgo's and Cap's reading room/ a private place to be. Since I was lucky enough to find this room, I promised to keep all art supplies up here, which was kind of hard for me at the old school. Cap was always telling me to clean them up. Once she even stepped on a bottle of paint and go it all over herself.
         As the sun sets and we all eat dinner in our rooms, I get ready for bed as Cap turns off her light while most of the other girls are getting ready as well. I, being the last one to fall asleep, turn off the main light and drift off to bed thinking about the new day with a new chance.
      Hi there. Hoped you liked this chapter. Oh , and thus story just got -8k-. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped me reach this. I want to especially thankthank eqc123, ScorpioMelon, Akashi0924,  -IssyFrizzy-, colorfire22,m208010b,
Teensuperxy014, xboxonegames, pinkcaramel_,lewy1050,bubblefox,
_Firefly15_, XShrivelxupx,iulisor, Queen_nuimnim, issy2723,m208010b, and
i_is_stoopid,isbellablack_01, kPrettyNerdyGirl01
Tuffy2345, lilyg44,B-Rizzo02, Anastasia-Shishiki, we_love_freed, Saskia_Mackovski,KariaGuerrero055, and seehumisasewsome. Also thanks to anyone who has read this story/ favorited/ added it to their reading list/ or has followed me. New chapter soon. I promise. Thanks, bye.

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