Chapter 30

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Pisces POV: Freedom and Danger
     As I feel Scorpio and Cancer grasp my conscious, I start to perform the spell. A large blue ball forms above my head and we add what magic we have left in ourselves. I move the ball of water to a wall of the "cage." The water churns the glass walls until they break  into a million pieces. When we finish the spell, I realize that the gray band on my wrist is gone. This must hopefully mean that we all got ours off. I suddenly feel two sets of strong arms grasp me into a hug. We did it. I also see that they have lost their gray bands and that their constellation is a deeper color.
Suddenly I smell something burning, I turn my head to that the fire signs have escaped. I see a tree encase earth signs "cages" and rip the glass to pieces. Lastly, I hear a gush of wind swirl around the air signs "cages" and diminish the glass into a soft sand. When my band fell off, theirs must have fallen off too. Many of the signs have numerous cuts and bruises. They all look beat. While in reunion, Aries says," Guys listen up. We need to get out this basement and reach the school above. We need to do this in a hurry before someone c-come-es  i-in."
         As he shutters, we all hear the door at the front of the room open creakily. We all stand their in shock, holding our breath. As the signs try to hide, confusion takes my mind. I just keep standing there until Scorpio pulls me behind a large barrel. I see somebody walk in. It's...

           Hi there. Hoped you liked this chapter. Sorry this chapter is kind of short. I would like to thank ScorpioMelon,KarlaGuerrero055,
isbellablack_01,LucyCabral0, and zodiacallyus for favoriting my story. Also thanks to anyone else who has favorited/ read my story. Thanks so much. Anyways, new chapter soon, I promise. Bye.

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