Chapter 63

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Libra POV: One or Four
       While my emotions struggle, I look intently at Cancer as he sits there humming a silent tune while his eyes carry no emotion.  The raft floats slowly and calmly as we come near the Fields of Elysion. On the other side, the magnificent cattle of Hades stand tall while grazing. Cancer takes all of this in. Wonder fills his eyes as we see Cerberus carrying two boys with a boy and a girl following close behind. They all look very much alive and that's a lot to say in the Underworld. They must be Perseus, Aphros, Scorpio, and Pisces. It looks like they're in as much trouble as we are. I have to find a way to get a message to Taurus and Aqua because I don't think Cancer and I will be able to get the flower from the Baobab tree. I have to get to the waters of memory to restore Cancer's memory. I don't know how to rely that message though. Maybe one of my friends will? Ugh, I don't know what to do! I have to cure Cancer but, I have to get the flower so, that Leo, Virgo, Cap, and Sag will be healed. I run my hand through my dark black hair as I continue to contemplate the situation. I don't know what's better: saving to love of my life or four people, who form two perfect couples. As more and more emotions and thoughts go through my brain,  I hear a cracking noise. I immediately turn my head towards the noise. I see that our raft is falling apart. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, we are headed through some dangerous waters. The light black waters churn and break as the raft continues to break. There's no way we can touch the water. I take a piece of the boat and by using it as an oar, I do my best to steer our raft towards the shore. I feel the soft sprays of the water. But, when I look behind myself, the waters have grown into a huge tidal wave and are not the soft sprays I have just experienced. I could really use a water sign right now. I suddenly remember that Cancer is here. Although he has lost his memory, he still is himself. In the spur of moment, Cancer has blue light coming from his hands and onto the wave, allowing us to ride it to shore. I smile knowing that my Cancer is still there. I realize that we are standing right in front of...
Pisces POV
I rub my eyes making sure that this is real. I see Cancer and Libra standing right in front of Scorpio and me. Libra and I immediately embrace. Scorpio goes over to Cancer only to come back with a glum look on his face. I hope this isn't another problem we have to solve. Scorpio asks Libra, not so calmly," What in the Underworld happened to Cancer?!"
I place my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. We don't need a fight between friends. In that time, Libra replies," Well we we chosen to get the flower from the Baobab tree. On our way we had to cross the waters of Lethe. Well long story short, we built a raft, Cancer fell into the water, and we came down here by accident. But, it's a good thing because the cure is in the Underworld. I don't know how get out of here, so I decided to try to get cure. "
        Scorpio looks at her and realizes that what she did was right. Scorpio says with a slight chuckle," We got a little side tracked too. It appears that Perseus and Aphros need our help."
        I join their conversation with," Since you guys are here, how are we going to get a message to Taurus and Aqua to get the flower?"
       Libra replies," I'm not sure. I don't know if I can. I mean I am an air sign and I might be able to communicate through the air. But that just sounds silly, right?"
        " Not at all. I think it could work," I reply. Libra contemplates that for a while before she attempts to send the messages. Her body becomes full of light and power as her lips move in accordance with her words. Hopefully, the message worked.
Taurus POV
      I feel the wind blue across my face but, something's different. I suddenly hear a voice that resembles Libra's. It says," Aqua, Taurus if either of you get this, please know that we are okay. We got a little side tracked. We need you to get the flower from the Baobab tree. Thanks."
Well, in that case, we better hurry up. We immediately pick up the pace and sooner than later, we reach the Hesperides and the golden apples. The apples shine in splendor as the sun starts to set behind them.  The Hesperides stand tall as they the skillfully battle Ladon. I see a tale male stab its scaly claw as Landon reluctantly runs away gingerly holding the wounded claw. The other two point their weapons. Thankfully, Calspo recognizes us. She put her hand in front of the weapons and the other girl and boy put down their weapons.  The girl has shining golden hair with bright green eyes. The boy's chestnut hair barely reaches his blue eyes. I say," We need one of those apples."
       The girl replies," You can't have any of them!"
      " Come on Asterope, even we if were to let them pass, they wouldn't be able to get a apple," replies the boy.
      " Arête and Asterope stop arguing. I know that no one has ever gotten an apple but, can we at least let them try?" Calypso says in our defense. 
       " Fine but, you know the price if the tree won't let them get an apple," Arête says causally.
       " What's the price?" Aqua asks.
       " Death," Asterope replies. We need an apple and we still need to get a flower from the Baobab tree. Suddenly, I notice a pure white flower in Calypso's hair.
      " Calypso what type of flower is that?" I ask.
      " It's a ΖΩΗ or life giving one. I always carry one with me for protection," Calypso states and continues with," Why do you ask?"
     " We need a flower from the Baobab tree and I think that's one of them."
    " Well I'll make you a deal. If you can get me an golden apple, I'll give you it." 
    I have to take the risk. We need both of those ingredients. I don't even tell Aqua what I'm doing. I just brush pass Calypso, Arête, and Asterope and reach out my hand, hoping that I live. My hand brushes the golden skin as my breathing becomes hitched. I feel the cool and crisp apple fall into my hand as I reach for another. I am gratefully accepted and as I look behind myself I see that the white flower replaces a apple. Everyone looks at me in awe. Suddenly, a white light shines from my and Aqua'a necklace and we all are transported back to Celestial High where we find Aries and Gemini.

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