Chapter 79

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Arête POV: Cepheus
    " Hey, Arête, Calypso, Asterope, Aphros, and Perseus come over here. We found something about you in the Ancient Greece book," Taurus states with a worried smile on her face.
    " Coming," Calypso states as she, Asterope, Aphros, and Perseus join Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and I in the living room.
    " The author of this book is a woman named Cassandra," Capricorn states. She continues with, " She is known for her prophecies and the curse that no one will believe her."
    When Capricorn pauses, Virgo states, " Since the beginning of the book, she has talked about how the Zodiacs will need the aid of six other powerful people. In her third chapter, she drops what she was writing about and mentions details about Bythos's death. Further down the road, she does this again with a prophecy about six powerful people. As I said before, she mentions these people in her first chapter in the same manner as the other prophecies. The rest of her writing is filled with medicine recipes and a few magic spells towards the end. We have finally come across the last chapter and Cassandra has one last prophecy."
    Taurus looks up at us as she states, " I have chosen to bear the news. The prophecy states," She pauses befor she continues with, " There will be six powerful people who will aid the Zodiacs in their fight. They are Aphros, Arête, Asterope, Calypso, Perseus, and Cepheus. These six hold their own powers even though they are not as powerful as the Zodiacs themselves. They will aid the Zodiac in their fight against Aapeli. But, only three will live to see the sunrise after the battle. It is unknown to me which ones will survive and which ones will die but, I assure you three will die and three will live. If they do not fight, many more will die because of their selfishness. But, there is hope. Their deaths can be prevented by the right choices. There are two paths they can take. The one of selfishness will bring destruction to the world. The one of selflessness will fork in two ways. The right choices can save their lives. The wrong choices will take their lives."
Taurus stops as she clearly can't take it anymore. She cries into her hands as she drops the book. For a bit of time only her sobs can be heard. Virgo interrupts the silence and the sobs as she picks up the book and states, " Aphros and Perseus will come in the Zodiacs' lives very early before the battle. Arête, Calypso, and Asterope will come into the Zodiacs' lives only a few months before the battle. But, unlike the others, Cepheus needs to be found. He will never come and aid unless he is found. He will be in great pain and in grave danger. He will need to be saved and healed if he is to fight. Without him, death and destruction will come to the other five and the Zodiacs and then to the world."
Capricorn takes the book from Virgo as she hands it to her. She adds, " A few pages later Cassandra states that she had buried a book about the whereabouts of Cepheus. She also appears to know that this book is the last of the four. The one with the info on Cepheus also has information from the other civilizations in that book. The other authors' wisdom and her own are in that book. We think that it is the big red book that Pisces found. But, she has told us that there is nothing about Cepheus in the book. If we can't find him, the entire world is screwed."
" Guys, I found something about Cepheus!" Pisces interrupts as she comes running down the stairs. The rest of the Zodiacs rush into the living room as soon as they hear those words. They must have already been informed about Cepheus.
Pisces places the book on the long dining room table as she opens it to one long, folded blank page. She unfolds the page as she rushes to close the window blinds and turn off the lights. She returns and takes a crystal from around her neck before she states" An Atlantean crystal. It was in the letter that Circe had written for me."
We huddle around her and the book as she uses her powers to have water encircle it. It lights up as she chants something that appears to be in Atlantean. Suddenly, light blue runes reveal themselves. Scorpio begins to hurriedly write down the runes as Sagi translates the Atlantean written on page.
    " Cepheus will be the one to save all. The one that will sacrifice everything for the sake of the world. But, he needs to be found and fast. Go to the sleeping city and awaken their hearts and mind. They will be your guide and will help you. But, be careful everything is not as it seems. As time ticks away, the battle looms closer. Make haste to succeed" Sagi translates.
The crystal glows brighter as our world starts to spin. We spin in darkness with only the crystal as our light. I feel a great pain shoot through my body as my world goes completely black. I regain consciousness as my body hits the ground with a light thud. I open my eyes to see the darkest green grass I have seen in my life. I push myself to my knees as my eyes look around. The most beautiful night sky looms peacefully over me as star twinkle in its darkness. Glowing, light blue flowers light up the ground. My attention is turned to the rest of this new world as my eyes find a wondrous city. It's shrouded in darkness but, still looks peaceful and pleasant. Only one light shines through all the darkness. I see Pisces currently standing, entranced by her crystal. It shines brightly as it is eliminated by the light shining from the center of city. The rest of city appears to be sleeping. This must be the sleeping city! We need to awaken everyone! Just as this thought runs through my mind my mouth exclaims them with joy. But, all is lost as I feel a hand over my eyes and one over my mouth as I am dragged away. I hear Asterope scream just before everything goes black again. Oh boy, what did I just get myself into?

    Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's kind of heavy in knowledge. I apologize for it taking so long. February has just been a nightmare of month with school, school related events, and my birthday. Shout out to all the Pisces out there! Anyway, what just happened to our beloved Arête? Will they find Cepheus or won't they? Find out in the next chapter. Bye!

P.S. Thanks so much for -82k- views!!!

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