Chapter 17

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     I gulped. "Yeah, what about?"

     "About the other night." His eye wouldn't meet mine.

     "Yeah?" I did NOT want to be discussing this again.

     "Well, I just wanted to apologize for what I tried to do. I knew it was wrong and knew that I shouldn't have even tried it. I'm so sorry." He said.

     "You already apologized and you didn't need to in the first place. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I even kind of wanted to, too. It's okay." 

     "So, we can still be friends, we can still be close? We're okay?" Anxiety showed in his eyes.

     "Oh yeah. Come on! Why wouldn't we be?" What the piss?

     "I don't know, I just thought it would be awkward..."

     "Of course it won't be, not for me anyway. I don't want it to be that way for you either." I put my hand on his arm, he froze.

     "I-I don't want it to be that way."

     "Good. Is there anything else?" I asked cautiously.

     "Well, I needed to tell you something else, but..." His voice trailed off.

     "Go ahead Niall, tell me." I know I shouldn't be, but I was growing really impatient. I had gotten over all this, couldn't he?

     "It's just that I really-"

     "You all are having tea without us?!" Harry interrupted, clearly not aware of what he had done.

     "Oh, yeah, sorry. Louis was supposed to tell you all." I blushed.

     "It's okay anyway. But I do want some tea." He smiled a shy smile.

     I set out cups and stuff for everyone else. They had shortly followed in after Harry came in. Kelsey and Cher were eyeing me suspiciously, but I just waved it off. We sat there and drank our tea and ate some food. We chatted about tour stuff, when Liam got on the topic of the party tomorrow night.

     "What are we going to do without all of these lovely ladies here with us tomorrow night?" Liam said.

     "You all will be fine without us. You're used to being by yourselves." Kelsey said.

     "Yeah, but now we're used to you girls being around."

     "You'll get to see us off, and drive us there..." Kelsey said quietly.

     "You don't have your license yet? How old are you? Sixteen, seventeen?" 

     "About sixteen and a half. Me and Renee kind of failed our tests, so Cher's the only one who can actually drive." 

     "Then why can't Cher drive?" He asked impatiently.

     "I thought you were all upset about us not being here, why don't you want to get a little bit of time in with us by driving us there?" 

     "Well, I'm certainly not going to end up being your all's personal chauffeur." He sassed.

     "We didn't ask you to! We just need someone to drive us places we need to go to. We can't ask our parents anymore, we exceeded our limit already." 

     He burst out laughing. "Yeah, well maybe you've already exceeded my limit." He said.

     "I'm always free to drive you all. I think it'd be fun to drive you all around." Niall added in for the first time in that conversation.

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