The Truth.

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Toni Romiti,

I walked into the hotel room as if nothing happened between me and August. So much shit was going though my mind, I don't know where to start. The fact that Eric who " was " the love of my life was shot and killed accidentally? or the fact that he slept with some girl who I don't like or care for and he barely knew? Eric knew things that nobody know about, I've been hurt for years like my heart can only take so much like it's so crazy. I used to be a very depressed kid. Like I used to slit my wrist to try to get rid of my pain that remind in it's usual places that it effected the most. I slowly became heartless at the time until I met Eric, my heart stayed cold-hearted like Detroit when it's was winter time. I stayed by myself not talking to anyone about anything, I always kept my feelings to myself. Why? I don't know, I didn't want people feeling bad for me I guess. I don't really like sympathy when it comes to things like that. I sat down on the bed next to Honey and stared at the floor thinking about everything including my past, she slowly rubbed my back telling me that everything was okay but shit wasn't helping. I closed my eyes thinking about the time I got suspended from school for getting into a fight. I was 13 years old in middle school, this boy was " roasting " me as you can say. I started taking it serious when he said the reason why my mom turned to crack was to not see my ugly ass face or something like that, you know the little flexible rulers? I picked up on of those and slapped him in the face with it. I got suspended for 3 days for that. I sometimes think if my mom if she had got clean would things be different. I also started replaying the recent scene that happened not too long ago in my mind, what was I thinking you ask? Well I wasn't, I wasn't thinking at all. You know the feeling when your in so much pain, not the pain you get after a breakup but the pain you have for when you've been though so much shit in your life. The type of pain that you have build up inside of you that you choose not to release only because you don't want people babying or feeling sorry for you, saying " I understand what your going though.." knowing that they don't know the feeling. I realized August was watching me by my every move, I can't look at him without picturing what we did together in the elevator. The way he kissed me, the way he touched me, grabbed me all of that.. it was intense in that elevator. August and I were staring into each others eyes as if nobody was in the room with us, he winked at me while slowly licking his sweet, plumed lips. I looked away moving my hair out of my face but i looked back at him watching his every move with his kinky ass. He slowly moved one of his hands down to his crotch, grabbed onto it making is expose more then it already was. I quickly grabbed my chest looking away at the humongous stick he called his, i stood up scratching the back of my neck looking at Honey. " Uhh I'm going to go take a shower and hit the hay. I'll talk to y'all in the morning. " I told everyone as I was walking to the room that's next door because our rooms are combines. I shut the door behind me shaking my head, putting my hair up in a messy bun to get in this shower to cleanse myself and all my sorrows.

August Alsina,

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August Alsina,

As Toni went to her room, I watched her as I still was able to taste her sweet juices on my tongue and my lips, it made me want her even more then ever. I went to my bag, grabbing out a little bag of weed and a mango flavor swisher walking into Toni's room. I sat on the bed as she was in the shower, I began doing my usual routine to my blunt. I looked around peeping the fact the bathroom door was cracked, I stared at her though the crack while lighting up my blunt. I began moving around trying to fix myself because I always thought Toni was attractive. She's very beautiful, sexy, intelligent... everything I find in a girl; I licked my lips as she began to take her bra off exposing her breast. I put the blunt in between my lips taking two puffs, I pulled the blunt away from my lips leaning back on the bed, blowing the smoke out of my mouth. I licked my lips as she took off her panties, the image of us in the elevator replayed in my head. Y'all probably thinking " Boy she lost her boyfriend in a shooting and you tryna fuck her? " I've been wanted to fuck Toni, I want to fuck the shit out of her and make her scream my name. "Damn.." I whispered to myself as I continued smoking my blunt, I remembered that when me and Honey was talking about Toni yesterday. She told me that Toni told her that she lowkey gets jealous when Aaleeyah was around, and also that she has a wet dream about me and her kissing and shit. Toni pretty much has a little crush on me and I think it's cute. I was about finished with my blunt so I had put it out and sat it on the night stand, I got up off the bed slowly taking off my hat placing it on the dresser along with my shirt so all I had on was jeans and socks. I slipped my way to the bathroom while slipping off my pants along with my socks, I looked at Toni though the glass doors of the shower she was sitting in crying while the water was hitting her caramel colored body. Without hesitation, I opened the glass door with only boxers on looking door at her as she was trying to wipe her tears; " Toni you okay? " I asked her as she began to look in my direction. She has nodded her head looking into my eyes, her eyes are so pretty to me. The way they shimmered in the light, when the sun hits them they are light brown but when we're indoors they are just brown. I slowly moved my eyes to her soft, plump, pink lips. Mane her lips look so soft, I really wanted to test them out myself one last time. I slowly licked my lips still looking as hers but I looked back into her eyes so I wouldn't make it so obvious. She was looking at the water dancing on her toes, she began to sniffle as more tears came running down her face. I crawled in the shower sitting in front of her crisscrossed applesauce, I shut the glass door when I got comfortable. I looked into her eyes, they began to get low and red. I wiped her tears away as she softly spoke, " I'm so sick of people fucking me over. I care for Eric, I stood by his side, he was first everything.. and he ends shot up and dead. Now, I find out he was fucking some girl he barely knew behind my back?" I continued to make eye contact, she finally looked into my eyes. " August I can't go through this bubmyself. " she continued as she shook her head. " You won't have to be alone Toni.. you got us and especially me. I care about you a lot Toni. I don't like seeing you like this. " I responded to her. I looked at me as if I stepped on a butterfly, she looked deeply into my eyes. I got up off the shower floor, turning off the shower I stepped out of the shower grabbing Toni's towel. " Get Up." I demanded. She got up taking her towel from my hands and wrapped it around her body. She looked down at the floor rubbing her eyes. I walked up to her and picked her up in bridal style taking her to her bed. As I got up to her bed I slowly laid her down gently, " I don't want you to be alone tonight.." I said to her looking down at her. " I need to be alone August." she responded back looking up at me as if I was a giant. I shook my head no slowly licking my lips, " No, I want to be here for you so let me." I said to her walking away grabbing my clothes up off the floor " I'll be back I have to change my boxers and stuff. I'm not leaving you alone and you aren't stopping me." I walked through the other door that reveled my room. Every bodies rooms were connected. Me and Aaleeyah shared a room, Toni had her own room and the rest of them crashed together. I dropped my clothes on the floor and took off my now soaked boxers because I went inside the shower with Toni and went straight into my shower to get clean. All I'm thinking is damn.. a lot has happened tonight.

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