1. Forgetting what something is called, or what that actor's name is, and then finally remembering an hour later like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"
2. When you attempt to throw a piece of garbage in the trash can or a sock into your hamper and it actually goes in. BALLIN'!
3. Fast-forwarding through the commercials on a DVR recording and pressing "play" at exactly the right moment.
4. Finishing a test before everyone else in the class and just being like "F*ck yeah. I'm Einstein."
5. Going to a class with a teacher you hate only to find to find out there's a SUB! Hallelujah!
The Random Book Of Randomness
DiversosDo you ever get that feeling where you desperately want to upload something to Wattpad and then can't think of anything? Yeah. This book is about that.