Chapter 13: Heaven On Earth

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You've been doing your best to do what you need to do. You've been doing your homework, hanging out with John after school, and going to the games. It's hard not to focus on Dave, but luckily you face the stands during pretty much the whole game, so you try to keep your attention on John instead. You've also been spending a lot of time with Kanaya. She decided that some tacky outfit would be good enough for you. No, she's picking one for you herself. Personally, you don't think it's necessary, but you let her have her fun anyways. This is how you landed yourself in a grey cardigan for homecoming.
Before you've managed to mentally prepare yourself, it's the night of homecoming. You're not sure who Dave's going with or even if he's going at all. Wait, you're supposed to be thinking about John. He's Not Dave. You're about to cancel when John walks into your room dressed in a light blue dress shirt, khakis, and black dress shoes. You have a feeling he didn't pick this out himself, "Hey Karkat. You look great," he smiles at you and your heart almost melts. Almost. Maybe it would've if John had a southern accent. And blonde hair. And gorgeous red eyes. Unfortunately, he doesn't and your heart stays in tact.
"Yeah, so do you. Are you sure you want to go to this? I don't dance," you mutter, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Of course! And if you really don't enjoy it, we never have to go to another dance again. I promise."
You sigh and trudge over to the door, "Lets get this over with..."
Your step mom only makes you take eight pictures before you leave, which was six less than you anticipated. John drives you because he was fortunate enough to take drivers ED and get his license early. You step inside and immediately hear some shitty pop music blasting. You already want to go home, but John takes your hand and leads you to the huge group of students grinding on each other in the middle of the decently decorated gym. "Isn't this the coolest, Karkat?!" John grins excitedly as he looks around.
"I guess? I like my quiet, but for you ill endure it."
His smile softens a little, his hands moving to your hips, "So that means you'll dance with me, right?"
Your ears lower, a light blush dusting your cheeks as you take a half step forward, "I suppose so...but I don't know how to dance."
John chuckles, moving your hips, "It's all in the hips, Karkat. Don't worry, we can be bad at dancing together!"
You nod slowly, glancing at the people around you and mimicking their movements. You away your hips in time with the beat as John's arms wrap around your middle. Taking that as your cue to do something, you wrap your arms around his neck. He nods in approval, happily moving his body with yours.
That's when you spot the DJ.
You know Dave's staring at you. He's not wearing his shades. He cracks a small smile at you and waves a little. Your face flushes scarlet as you slowly wave back. You can feel his eyes watching your movements and he seems to like the view, so you decide to amp it up a little by shaking your hips with a little more enthusiasm. Now you definitely have his attention, but you feel guilty. Your supposed to be enthusiastically shaking your ass for John, not Dave, so you return your focus to your date. From the expression on his face, you know you've been caught looking at Strider. No, more like staring. He isn't frowning though. In fact, he looks almost smug. "You like Strider, don't you?"
You flush and stutter, "H-How did you know?"
He rolls his eyes, "Oh please. I've seen you two around each other."
"A-Aren't you mad?"
Now he frowns, "Why would I be mad?"
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Im supposed to be giving you all my attention."
He snorts, "Oh c'mon. I've been trying to get you two together. Dave's the jealous type. I knew if I flirted with you he'd confess. I'm his best friend. I'm not going to steal his love interest away."
You look relieved, "But he thinks were together? I am supposed to save him the last dance though..."
John smiles, "Perfect. Then you two can make your love connection then."
You glance over your shoulder at Dave before returning your gaze to John, "Are you sure?"
"Do you trust me?"
You nod slowly, "Yes, I think so..."
"Don't worry. Everything will be perfect. I promise. But you're going to have to sell this. He acts out of impulse when he's jealous."
You raise an eyebrow, "Really?"
He nods, "Definitely. Just act like you're super interested in me all night. Then when you dance with Dave, I guarantee he cracks."
You nod, mulling it over and pressing your body to his, "How's this?"
John snorts and wraps his arms tighter around you, "Perfect."
Faking it isn't hard. You genuinely enjoy John's company and you have a lot of fun dancing. Of course, you'll never admit it aloud. You know Dave's watching you. You and John both do, so every time you know he's watching, you try to fawn over him as much as possible.
As the night comes to an end, you look towards where Dave had been standing all night and realize he's no where to be found. That is, until you feel a tap on your shoulder. The two of you stop and look behind you to find Dave, shades now back in place. "Hey Kitten. You promised me the last dance. Mind if I cut in?"
John lets you go and flashes a wide smile, "Not at all. I'll meet you at the car after this is over. Let me know if any plans change," he winks and walks away, leaving you alone with Dave.
Once he's gone, Dave removes his shades and takes your hand, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on the back of it. You swear he's done this before, but it still makes you swoon, "May I have this dance?"
You flush scarlet and nod as he stands up straight, gently grabbing you by the waist and pulling you closer until your chest to chest.
You've never been religious, but if you were, you'd be pretty sure you've found Heaven on Earth.

~Authors Note~
So the next chapter could quite possibly be the last, I still haven't decided, but either either way thank you guys so much an if you like this then watch for other DaveKat/homestuck stories that I'm sure to be posting in the future.

Karkat Vantas' Stri-Do's and Dont's of Highschool: A Davekat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now