Chapter 18: Tying Up Loose Ends

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In the weeks that followed, a lot had happened in your household. Kankri and Cronus moved into a house a few states over beside the ocean, your step mother and sisters moved out, and your parents cancelled the wedding. You go to your step mother's house on the weekends and see Nepeta in school. You've also been staying at Dave's house most of the time, which means your dad stays home alone a lot. After word spread of the incident, he was fired from his job. You see your grand mother every day at the diner when you and Dave go for lunch. She visits a lot more now and brings Kanaya with her. The two of you have gotten so close you even asked her to be your moirail. Everything had been going alright until a few days after your sophomore year ended and summer began.
"Karkat?" Your father called up the stairs to you, "Could you come down a moment? There's something we need to discuss," The tone of his voice sounds grim and churns your stomach, but you do as your told and go to the kitchen where he's sitting at the table. After the girls left, your father had the whole kitchen redone to try and forget what had happened. It doesn't seemed to have helped, considering the fact that he only goes in when absolutely necessary. Most of the time he orders takeout just so he doesn't have to cook.
When he spots you, he motions for you to take a seat across from him. You do so, cautiously clearing your throat so not to break the stillness of the air, "You wanted to talk to me...?" Wordlessly, he slides a piece of paper over to you. A bill. You already know where this is going, "So we're a little behind. We can make it work though. It's only a hundred fifty. We can still turn this-" he pushes over a stack of papers, causing your voice to falter, "-around..."
"Karkat," he mutters, his voice raspy and pained as it usually sounded nowadays, "We can't afford to live here anymore..."
"So I'll get a job. Two even. You and I will work our asses off and we'll pay off these bills. We could even stay with grandma until-"
"It's too much," he deadpans, staring straight through you with a hopeless expression, "We can't live here. It's too expensive."
"Then we could find somewhere closer. An apartment maybe, yeah?" You're practically pleading now.
"An apartment... That's what I was thinking. A one bedroom apartment in Wichita. I'll sleep on the couch and-"
"Wichita?! You mean Kansas?!" You snap, beyond panicked.
"They have some of the cheapest places in America-"
"But what about me and Dave?! Dad I can't leave! For the first time in sweeps in happy! This is way too much! You can't make me leave now!" By now, you don't even attempt to stop the scarlet tears from flooding down your face.
"I'm sorry. I'd rather you hate me and have a roof over your head than for you to live in the streets."
"Let the Striders adopt me then!"
Your fathers eyes widen in horror and sheer agony, "Wait...what? Karkat I can't do that..."
"They'll take care of me! You know they will! Dad I can't leave again! I can't keep running and neither can you!"
"I refuse to let another person I love leave-"
"Well you're suffocating! This happened because of your actions! Don't make me pay for your mistakes!" And with that, you're out the door, running as fast as your legs can carry you to Dave. You can hear your father calling you, begging for you to come back, but you can't. Before you know it, you're barging into Dave's living room, breaking down on the floor into hysterical sobs. It takes an hour for them to calm you enough to make out any words.


" you're leaving..." Dirk repeats from his spot beside you on the couch. After your meltdown, Dave held you in his arms and let you cry until you were ready to talk. Bro and Dirk waited patiently beside you to hear what had happened.
"Y-Yes..." You hiccup, wiping your eyes and sniffling. Dave couldn't even meet your gaze. You knew he was holding it together for your sake, but you also knew he was going to break as soon as he got a moment alone. If he spoke, he probably would've lost it.
Bro rests his hand on your shoulder, "We'll figure this out, kid. Don't worry. Get some rest. I'll call your dad and let him know you're here."
You nod without another word, Dirk and Bro both going to their rooms. Dave stays with you, holding you tightly in his arms and putting on Hitch for you. He knows you well enough to know that that's what always makes you feel better when you're feeling like shit. There's no conversation, only the occasional muttering of "I love you's" between the two of you as you watch the movie halfheartedly. Neither one of you falls asleep until at least 2:30 in the morning.


The next morning, you awaken to the sound of the door shutting and faint voices coming to the living room. Dave must've heard it too, because he stirs, rubbing his eyes and kissing your temple. "Do you know who's at the-" you stop mid-sentence when you see Dirk, Bro, and your father standing in front of the couch before you.
Your father clears his throat, "Good morning, Kat-"
"Karkat." You're quick to interrupt. Kat is your nickname from Kankri. No one else.
"Right... Karkat..."
"...what are you doing here...?"
He sighs and looks down, "You're right. I can't make you pay for what I've done. I thought long and hard about what you said and... After my chat with your boyfriend's brother... I decided that, if it's what you really want, you can stay here with him..."
You blink in shock and confusion, "You''re letting him adopt me...?"
He smiles weakly, though you can see the tears in his eyes, "The last thing I want is for another child of mine to resent me...the papers are already filled out...all I need is your signature and I'll submit them on my way to Wichita."
You swallow thickly, slowly climbing to your feet and taking the pen your father held out to you. He sets the paper on the coffee table and you sign your name, hesitantly handing the pen and paper back to him, "When are you leaving...?"
"Well...I'd already found a place and...since you're not coming with me, I told him I could be there by tomorrow."
Your mouth hangs open, "So you're leaving today...?"
"After I leave here, I'm going to visit your grandmother and then...yes. I'm off after that."
Your throat tightens as the tears well in your eyes. You nod and hug him tightly, muttering your thanks and love over and over again. He returns it and, after a tear filled goodbye, you walk him to his car. Just as you did when you were a wriggler, you waste time asking for just one more hug, one more kiss, begging and pleading with him to stay. Finally, when you realize all your stalling is futile, you watch and wave until his car is long out of sight. With a gentle kiss to your lips and a small, reassuring smile, Dave leads you back up to the apartment. That's all you need to know that everything will be okay.

~Author's Note~

Hello my lovelies! So this is the last chapter I think besides the epilogue. Don't worry, I can always add more if I really want but there are four other stories that need finished/have yet to be started. If you really enjoyed this, there are two Davekats, two Johnkats, and one Cronkri currently in the line up so bare with me for those. Love you guys!

Karkat Vantas' Stri-Do's and Dont's of Highschool: A Davekat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now