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After Elvis's death, he went to heaven, but it wasn't as heavenly as he thought it would be. He feels betrayed and foolish, but when he hears a little girl's voice talking about how she loves his movies, Elvis finds a new source of entertainment. Elvis watches over the little girl and listens to her pray every night to him until she is no longer a little girl- until she is 16 and is totally in love with him. He has watched over her grieve his death over and over again- watched the pain in her eyes every time she thought of his death- watched her long to visit Graceland- visited her dreams and as crazy as it sounded, he realized that somewhere along the line, he had fallen in love with her as well. Elvis begs God for a favor.
A favor that will change the girl's life forever.
A favor that changes him.
He wants to be a part of her world.
He asks for a 2nd chance.

Dear Elvis, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now