I'm a Believer

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Elvis pushed open the huge white doors that towered over him with importance. Inside it was quiet and blindingly white. The vast space was almost barren except for a huge throne standing completely on the other side of the room. A large, gruff man sat in it, going through paper work. Elvis humbly made his way to the throne and cleared his throat. The man looked over the papers he was holding and eyed Elvis suspiciously. "Mr. Presley?"
Elvis was at a loss for words. Everything he had prepared to say suddenly got caught in his throat. He was intimidated by the man who sat in front of him- a tall, slightly overweight man with deep brown eyes, brown hair, pale skin, and brown stubble covering his chin and cupid's bow.
"Mr. Presley, there is no need to be intimidated by me now," the man said, as if he read Elvis' mind.
"What can I do for you," he said, folding the paperwork and setting the pile down in his lap.
"I- I have a proposition for you."
Lexie, who had been scrolling through her Facebook newsfeed for a good hour, looked up at the top right corner of her tablet to check the time. 11:54 pm. I should probably be going to bed-I have school tomorrow, she thought to herself as she turned off her tablet and set it on her bedside table. Lexie rolled out of bed and sat on her bedroom floor. She closed her eyes, bowed her head, and clasped her hands together. "Dear Elvis, I love you," she said before smiling and rolling her eyes at her own cheesiness. She stood up, turned off her bedroom light and got back into bed. Not long after, she was fast asleep.
The alarm went off on her phone at 5:30 am and, with both eyes still shut, she reached over and turned it off. At first, she didn't move for a few seconds, but then she rolled over in bed and stretched. When she rolled back over, she rubbed her eyes and opened them. It took a few moments for her eyes to get adjusted to the darkness but when they did, she immediately sat straight up in bed and grabbed her phone, turning on the flashlight setting and pointing it towards the chair in front of her bed. A man was slumped in it, his head down. He had jet black hair and wore a white dress shirt, a black suit and tie, and black boots. Lexie tried to scream but nothing came out. The light quivered in her shaking hand and the man moved.
His stir was barely noticeable, just a little twitch of his hand, but then, slowly, he brought his head up. His piercing blue eyes came to rest on Lexie's green eyes and he smiled a weak smile.
Lexie was paralyzed with fear even though he seemed extremely familiar. How did he get in here? What did he want? Who was he? "Who- who are you," she finally managed to stutter out.
The man's smile dropped. He seemed uncertain, confused. "Don't you know?"
"No," Lexie whispered, barely able to keep her voice audible. He did look familiar, though. "I don't know. Maybe."
"Think, Lexie. I need you to think."
She stared at the man and willed herself to remember. She analyzed his face taking in every last detail- his tousled, jet black hair, his kind, intriguing eyes, his straight nose, and baby face skin.
Her eyes widened in realization and her mouth dropped open in shock.
She stumbled on her tongue. All she could do was mumble, "Oh shit," before the room started to spin and she was no longer sitting up. She was laying back onto the bed, unconscious.

A/N: Once again, I'm so sorry it took me so long to update but I was waiting to upload two at a time and then I got really sick. I know this chapter is really short, trust me I knowm but I am working on the next one. So be sure to keep reading. Enjoy!

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