Happy Together

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Lexie dipped her last chicken nugget into her ranch and took a bite out of it as Elvis laughed at the joke she just made.
"Okay, okay I got one," he declared proudly, "I was thinking about moving to Moscow but there is no point Russian into things."
Lexie snorted at his corny-ness and tried to stifle a laugh. "Wait, I think I've got an even corny-er one. Ready?"
Elvis nodded eagerly.
"What's Forest Gump's Facebook password," she asked and Elvis shrugged.
"I don't know. What?"
"1forest1," Lexie said in a southern accent, bursting out laughing. Elvis shook his head and laughed, absent mindedly sipping his drink.
"You're ridiculous. You know that, right?"
Lexie pretended to bow as if it was a compliment and giggled at their silliness.
They had both basically demolished their 10-piece chicken nugget meals with only a few french fries abandoned on the tray.
Elvis shook his empty cup as he finished it off, the ice clattering around inside, and frowned.
"Well," he said, disappointed, "That went by fast. What time is it anyway?" Lexie shrugged, searching her purse for her phone. When she finally found it, she turned it on and stared at the numbers she couldn't believe were stretched across her screen.
"7:30? That can't be right." She looked up and saw the mass of empty seats around them, confirming the time.
"Time flies when you're having fun, darlin'," Elvis laughed, standing up from their booth. Lexie sighed, grabbing her purse and sliding her phone back inside before standing.
"We better get going. My mom's going to kill me if I'm not home by 8."
"I know."
Lexie gave him an uncomfortable look.
"Stop saying stuff like that. It creeps me out," she said, laughing a little.
"Okay," he laughed, smiling he slid an arm around her shoulders. She stared at it a little too long before continuing walking to the car.

Lexie slid into the driver's seat just as Elvis slammed the passenger side door shut. She settled into her seat and turned on the car before putting it into drive and resting her hand on the gear shift. How am I going to explain this to Mom?

Dear Elvis, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now