When I Get Home

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The day seemed to drag on and on for Lexie and when 8th period finally came around, she was a bundle of nerves. Through the whole day, all she could do was worry about Elvis. She worried about him getting hungry or thirsty and not being able to eat a real meal or drink anything and she was worried about her mom finding out. She checked the clock above her French teacher's head every five seconds and tapped her foot like crazy.
Two minutes before the bell rang, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to talk to her friend, Lizzy.
"What's wrong with you today," Lizzy asked, obviously concerned.
Lexie sighed. "I just really need to get home."
"Why? What's your hurry?"
"I can't tell you."
"Woooooow," Lizzy said, pretending to be insulted, "What happened to telling each other everything?"
"Not this."
"Seriously? I tell you everything so now its your turn. Fess up."
The bell rang and Lexie grabbed her stuff and tried to leave, hoping Lizzy would just drop it, but Lizzy reached out and grabbed her arm before she could go anywhere.
Lexie groaned at her friend's persistence. "Fine. There's a boy hiding in my bedroom." Lizzy let go of Lexie's arm and smiled.
"Way to go Lex!"
Lexie rolled her eyes and left, heading straight to her car instead of stopping at her locker.
Before she could leave the parking lot, though, some one knocked on her window and when she rolled it down, Lizzy leaned in with a smirk on her face.
"What now? I really gotta go," Lexie said quickly.
"Do I get to meet this mystery boy of yours?"
"Maybe. I don't know. Not today."
Lizzy smiled even wider. "I'll be over later. He better still be there," she said, standing up straight. She quickly turned and began to walk away, but Lexie yelled out her window.
"Lizzy, no! I mean it!"
"Yeah, yeah," Lizzy said, waving Lexie off, "See you later, dork."
Lizzy disapeared behind a couple trees as she walked down a path into the woods that lead to her house and Lexie put her car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.


"Mom," Lexie called as she walked through the door. The house was deathly quiet and her mom didn't answer. She looked around some, noticing a few little things missing like her mom's purse and shoes. Concluding that she must have left, Lexie threw down her bookbag and ran up the stairs to her room. Knocking first, Lexie swung open her bedroom door to reveal a sleeping Elvis lying on her bed, facedown, both arms hanging off of one side of the bed and both legs hanging off the other.
"Ahem," Lexie announced herself, clearing her throat.
Elvis jumped up, falling off the bed and onto the floor.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," she said, standing over him. Elvis just groaned in response, causing Lexie to laugh. "Come on, get up. I'm taking you out to eat." She held out her hand to him and he grabbed it, pulling himself up.
"Where are we going," he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"A little place I like to call Mickey D's," she said with a smile. Elvis smiled back and followed her out the door, wondering if he should tell her about the deal he made with God......the one that said he would disapear forever if he didn't hold up his end of the deal. No heaven. No hell. Just nothing.

A/N: Obviously, there is no excuse as to why it took me such a ridiculously long time to update other than your run of the mill case of writer's block. Hopefully you guys won't hate me too much though since I'll be updating more than one chapter at once.

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