Can You See My Ass In This Dress?

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i woke up this morning and replayed the night of the parties' events over in my head i still couldn't wrap my mind around it.

did i make the wrong choice?

after getting home that night and having to explain everything to Melanie since she wouldn't leave me alone if i didn't she slapped me upside the head and yelled at me all night. she doesn't understand though what it felt like to be dumped and then see your boyfriend date some girl, a girl, while he just dated you, a boy.

it makes you feel like shit.

as i get ready for school i rummaged through my closet for something cute and floral to show Calum just exactly what he missed and ruined. i found this floral dress that i had completely forgotten about an pulled it on and looked at myself in the mirror and smirked knowing that this will drive him insane. i went through my draws and slipped on a fresh pair of panties and added some bracelets and a necklace and grabbed my backpack and headed out into Michael's car.

'someone looks like they're trying too hard.' he said with a smirk.

'oh shut up.' i said rolling my eyes as he drove off to school.

as he pulled into the school parking lot and we got out i saw Ashton and Calum getting out of their car and Calum looked right at me and he could not keep his eyes off me, just like i intended. i walked right past him shaking my butt a little and walked into the building to meet with Melanie. once i spotted her, of course sucking face with Damian, i walked over to them and pushed them into the lockers.

'i have arrived.' i said.

'good for you.' she said with sass as she kissed Damian one more time before he left.

'so are we till going with this whole "i'm gonna show Calum what he gave up" ordeal?' she asked amused.

'why, yes i am and it has been good so far since i saw him as i came in and he was practically drooling at the mouth.' i said triumphantly.

'okay, tell me how the rest of the day goes i need to get to class.' she said as she hugged me and walked to her class.

i turned the other way and headed to my class and thankfully Calum was in it so i could mess with him a little. i walked in and saw him sitting in his regular seat and walked up to his aisle and walked down it making sure he knew i was there. while i was walking past him i rolled a pencil off the desk and once i knew he was looking at me i turned around and bent over in front of him, showing him my pink panties that were a little too see through and turned back around and continued walking.

i noticed him fixing himself and i knew i had won this round.

i sat in my seat with a smirk and went on with the class. after class had ended i got all my things and walked out and headed to my next class but Calum came up beside me.

'are you trying to kill me?' he as walking beside me.

'i have no idea what you're talking about.' i lied.

'i think you do.' he said stopping me and looking me in the eyes. they were clouded over and i knew that is what happened when he was extremely turned on.

'well i need to get to class.' i said getting out of his grip and noticing that the halls were almost empty and i didn't to be late for class.

'i will get you back Luke.' he said and i just ignored him and walked away.

as i took my seat in history i couldn't really understand why he even wants me so bad. i mean really, it's not like i am so amazing and am such a great catch or anything.

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