Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Perfect.” Dean yelled. “we interrogated a Vampire and found nothing!” He roared loudly. “That's not true.” Sam objected. “We got a name.” he finished. “But no face to match it.” Dean replied angrily as he opened the door to the Impala, Sam did the same and both stepped in shutting the doors behind them. “How about we go back.” Sam suggested looking at Dean. “What would that do?” Dean snapped back at Sam.

“Well for starters: Damon is Stefan's brother, so if Damon is here, he has no where else to go.” Sam answered. Dean stopped for a second. “Lets go back.” Dean said as he started the car and went to drive back to the Salvatore house.

“You know you left that girl alive tonight. Very clumsy of you.” Stefan said referring to the most recent attack in the woods. “Ah. That could be a problem.” Damon stated. “For you.” he finished as his lips curved into an arrogant smirk as he paced around the room. “Why are you here now?” Stefan asked coldly. “I could ask you the same question.” Damon began. “However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word...” He paused. “Elena.” He finished.

There was a brief pause. Stefan's bedroom door was suddenly kicked in. Sam and Dean stood just behind it. Dean holding a large knife and Sam holding a gun. Both Stefan and Damon looked towards Sam and Dean. Stefan was frightened. Damon was not.

At the party, an ambulance left with the girls body, and the blonde haired brother. A short, tanned woman with long, curly brown hair turned to the brown haired girl who stood a little taller than her. “Hey. We're going to Mainline Coffee. Wait for news.” She said.

“I gotta take Jeremy home.” The other girl replied quietly, still in shock of what happened. “Elena.” The shorter girl began. “There is no way I'm psychic. I know that. But whatever I saw, or what I think I saw, I have this feeling.”

“Bonnie, what?” Elena asked concerned by the shock on Bonnie's face.

“That it's just the beginning.” Bonnie replied looking slightly scared.

Back at the Salvatore house, Dean and Sam approached Damon cautiously. Damon didn't even move. “So...” Damon began. “What brings you here?” Damon asked in his usual cocky tome of voice. Without an answer Stefan lunged at Damon forcing them both out of the window and crashing to the floor. Sam and Dean follow them out to the balcony watching from below. Stefan looked up to Sam and Dean. “Get to the woods, see if everything's alright!” Stefan yelled up to them. “Don't tell me what to do!” Dean yelled back. Sam simply sighed and pulled Dean out by the arm. “Hey!” Dean shouted back to Stefan. “We aren't done here!” He finished as he was dragged away.

The impala was headed towards the scene, when Dean saw Elena and Jeremy walking home. Dean stopped the car and the two brothers stepped out. “Excuse me.” Dean called out to them as he and Sam caught up with them. “What is it?” Jeremy sighed in frustration. Dean and Sam showed their ID . “Federal Agents.” Dean stated. “We would like to ask you a few questions.” Dean finished.

“Look it's like I told the other guys: I fell down and found her body bleeding from the neck. So we had someone call an ambulance and have them take her to the hospital.” Jeremy snapped.

“Hey don't get snappy with me big boy.” Dean retaliated.

“Or what huh?” Jeremy threatened trying to get close to him. Elena grabbed Jeremy. “I'm sorry about him. He's a little shocked.” She said calmly. “No I'm not Elena.” Jeremy stated defensively as Elena turned him around. “Come on Jer. Lets go home. She said as she walked with him back to her house. Dean looked to Sam. “Hospital?” Sam asked.

“Hospital.” replied Dean.

At the hospital, the blonde haired boy named Matt was watching over his sister. She had a bandage on the wound on her neck and was sleeping. Sam and Dean quietly stepped into the room. Sam approached Matt and whispered in his ear “Could you go outside for the moment please?” He asked politely. Matt obeyed and left the room without question. Sam nodded to Dean and left the room to talk to Matt. Dean gently tapped Vicky's shoulder causing her to gently wake up. After a second, she panicked “GET AWAY FROM ME!” She yelled. Hearing this, Matt tried to step in only to be stopped by Sam. “It's okay.” Sam stated calmly. “He's not going to hurt her.”

In the room, Dean jumped back and raised his hands in surrender. “Relax. Dammit I'm not going to hurt you.” He called out to her. After a few seconds of Vicky breathing heavy, she calmed down. “Who are you?” She said. She sounded scared, her voice was shaky. Dean reached into his blazer pocket and flashed his ID. “Federal agent.” he asked and sat down on the chair where Matt was seated just a few minutes ago. “I need you to tell me something.” Dean said bluntly.

“Okay.” Vicky agreed hesitantly.

“What attacked you?” Dean asked looking directly at her. He needed her to be honest at this point. Vicky hesitated. She was shaking in fear. “A... A Vampire.” she answered. Dean just looked at her without a reaction.

"You don't believe me, i knew it" Vicky said in a dissappointed strop. "You just think i'm crazy."

"Crazy?" Dean retalied. "You want crazy? I've seen crazy, and a Vampire is far from it as far as i'm concerned." Dean looked slightly sad, hurt, worried, he was looking into that part of him that he didn't want to look into, he didn't want to get like this, not again. "I know crazy, and this Vampire son of a bitch is not what i would call crazy." He stopped himself. he couldn't keep ranting, not to the victim. He looked at her. "Look, i'll tell you what: we're gonna find this bastard, and i'm gonna take his head." he shook his head calmly. "Clean off of his shoulders." Dean finished. Vicky just gave him a nod and Dean stood up and walked out of the room.

Just outside, Sam was consoling a very worried Matt Donavan. the two were standing just outside as Dean came to them. "Got a blood sucker Sammy, for realsies." He tapped Sam's shoulder and walked ahead. With a pause, Sam looked to Matt and tapped his shoulder lightly. "Have a nice day." Sam then jogged towards Dean and stoped right next to him and began walking with him. "So... a Vampire?" Sam asked Dean curiously. "That's right Sammy. And i bet i know who the son of a bitch is." Dean picked up his pace slightly leaving Sam to try catching up to him.

The two brothers paced towards the Impala, Dean walked to the trunk of the car as Sam followed him around the other side. Dean opened the trunk and looked inside. "Lets see..." He said in thought as he picked up a huge cleaver like blade and tilted it in his hand. "It'll do." Dean stated as he lodged it into a leather poutch resting on the outside of his jeans. He then shut the trunk of the car and walked to the drivers seat leading Sam to follow.

The Impala pulled up outside the Salvatore house. Dean shut the car off and unstrapped his belt, Sam did the same. "You ready Sammy?" Dean asked looking to Sam.

"Yeah." Sam nodded as the two stepped out of the car.

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