Olivia Pope/Make Tonight Beautiful

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I heard a knock on the door so i went downstairs to see who it is i opened the door and ot came to my surprise its Olivia the girl who been wanting to hook up with me she taking by this white president but she said she broke up with him and wanted to be with me

Trey:Well, hello.


Trey:You look better than I remembered.

Olivia:It's funny, you don't.


Trey:But I guess you couldn't.

Olivia:Oh, it's good to see you.

Trey:You too.

(Olivia and trey hug)

Trey:Well, I am producing my first segment.
It's only three minutes long,
but it is a start.

Olivia: That's good.
That's real good. I'm proud of you.
All right, let's cut the bull.
Are you gonna talk to me for real?
I have to apologize for thinking
I can just pop back into your life...
...after all these years.

Trey:Pop back? In my life?

Olivia:i needed to see you.

Trey:All right, you've seen me.
Now I can leave. I can go.

Olivia:, oh man. There's so many thingsI wanna say to you

Trey:Is that right?

Olivia:Things I've wanted to say ever since....
...ever since i dumped fitz .
i started calling you.

Trey:Oh, yeah, well,
it took me a while to get the hint.

Olivia:The hint?

Well, what hint is that?

Olivia:you call me i call you 24/7

Trey:Olivia, you're the woman.
And that wasn't the nature
of our relationship, and you know that.

Olivia: I know.
The nature of our relationship was
that I was in love with a man...
...was too nice to hurt my feelings.

Trey:You were in love with who?
And what

Olivia:look i had a fiance his name was edison he was sweet decent man and he wanted to marry me

Trey:why didnt you accept

Olivia:cause I wanted painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love i wanted fitz which was a big mistake for me it was unhealthy for and for him and i felt like i left myself down but i just kept on running back to him it was toxic but now since i found you i finally opened my eyes and I've lived with it
for months now.
I don't want this to come off
like some kind of come-on...
...but you are the onIy man
that I have ever loved...
...and I still Iove you, trey.

Trey:i love you too Olivia

We kissed and made love all morning i think she is the one for me i can heal her pain with my love

(Chris' s house)

K.d.: you okay?

Chris:Yeah, I'm just.... Yeah, I'm okay.
I'm a little nervous.

K.d.:If you're having second thoughts
about me being up here....

Chris:No, no.
I'm having all kinds of thoughts.

K.d.:Well, I mean,
if it's any consolation, chris...
...I've never done this before.

Chris:You sure?

K.d.:I haven't made Iove to a man
in over a year.my husband stop wanting toLook....I got two things I wanna say.

Chris:No, you don't have to say anything--

K.d.:I do, because you may
kick me out afterwards.
Remember how you were saying that
the man your wife was havung a affair with...
...I mean, ex-wife...
...that he was white?


Well, so is my husband.
Look, Chris, I mean,
I couId sit here and say...
...that the reason I'm staying with him
is because he's dying...
...or that it's my obligation
or a whole bunch of stuff...
...but the truth of the matter is...
...I love him.
he's the only man
I have ever loved...
...and I would never leave him
under any circumstances.

Chris:It hurts like hell.


Chris:(puts hand on k.d.'s hand)Someone felt that way about me once...
...but she stopped.
What do you wanna do tonight?

K.d.:Make tonight beautiful.(puts her head on chris's shoulder)


And so i did and we just fell asleep together i wish i had a understanding women like k.d.

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