Trai's Story/You Changed My Life

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At a park

Trai:So that's what happend

Trey:yeah it's fucked up i thought she loved me now come to know she still in love with that ugly ass white president

Chris:Damn I mean, don't we hear this
on Sally and Oprah every day?
That's what you sound like.

Trey:So Is that where you get advice?
The TV?

Trai:Well, you know, there was
this one man in your same situation.
This woman kept saying
She was gonna leave too.
he got his hopes all up
quit his job,
even moved to the city she lived in.
Right after he got there...
...he found out
He was hiv positive
And she was three months pregnant.
So, what about the baby?
So she had an abortion.
She never, ever told a soul...
...not even her man until he learn from rumors turned out to be ture
He never looked at his life the same again

Trey:So she left her lover in the end, right?

Trai:Take a wild guess, trey she ended up marrying him

Trey:What show was this on?

...I've never been on Oprah.

Trey i was shocked trai started crying so i hugged i guess this might happened to me if i stay with oliva


I was just at home chilling and my daughter royalty came to the room

Royalty:Guess what I got.

Chris:Some tea.


Chris:Picture you drew for me?
I don't know, honey. What is it?

Royalty:I got the mail, Ma.

Chris:Oh. Thank you.

Royalty:You're welcome. I'll be right back, okay?

Chris:Okay.(opens mail)


K.d.: I've waited as long
as I could to contact you.

Royalty:daddy,is "freak" a bad word?

K.d.: I've been thinking
about you a lot, Chris.
Every day. All the time.
I'm embarrassed
to even write that down...
...but it's true.
Chris, I fellin love in one night.

Royalty: daddy I asked you a question.

Chris:No, honey. No, it's not.

K.d.: You know what's even harder
for me to understand... that what I feel for you...
...has never undercut
the love I have for my husband.
Now, how is that possible?

Royalty: my brother said it was a bad word.

K.d.:I still watch him every day.
So beautiful. So brave.
I just wanna give him
everything I've got in me.
Every moment.

Chris:It's not a nice word.

K.d.: he's hanging on,
fighting to be here for me...
...and when he sleeps, I cry...
...over how amazing he is...
...and how lucky I've been
to have him in my life.

Royalty:can I say it?

Chris:No. No.

K.d.: You're the only person in this
world I ever knew I could tell this to...
...and even if this never finds you...
...and we never speak again...'ve changed my life.
You know what inspiration is?
It's someone who lets you know
life will go on...
...and something beautiful
can be waiting somewhere.
Somewhere when you least expect it.

Royalty:daddy , what does it mean?

Chris: What does what mean?


Chris:It means "weird."

Royalty:You let me say "weird."
Why can't I say "freak"?


Royalty: Look, daddy.

Chris:Look at you.just like you momma



Royalty:God stopped crying.

Chris:I don't think those
are God's tears at all...
...just his way of making sure
everything keeps growing.

I just hugged my daughter happily i hope i get to see k.d. again someday

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