Happy...I have a crush on you

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Ladies : Every time you complain that there are no good guys left, remember you left us in the friend zone.
Joke by :Angelinapopstar
Lori's P.O.V

After what it felt like 3 hours of swimming we were all beat, and were ready to eat and enjoy the rest of the day by playing tons of video games. My mom got us Chipotle and pizza which kinda made us all gassy but it didn't even matter because we all didn't care,  it felt good- we haven't really had a moment like this in a while  and i was so happy that we all set our differences aside and remain the best friends we always and forever will be. It was very good seeing my other best friends , aliesha , april , and Brandon actually getting on so well with the rest of them it kinda made me feel as if everything that happened,  happened for a good reason .

After the eating we all heading to the living and enjoyed my favorite kind of cake, choco mocho yeaa... it's kinda sorta my entire life ha ! after that i opened my all presents which were amazing, i got lip balms , sweets , chocolate , gift cards and from my parents they gave me a new beautiful phone case which had THE DIVERGENT CAST ON IT !!!!!!! i also forgot to mention, one of my aunt , aunt  julie gave me the  whole divergent series this morning and i cried, once i was done i just had to thank them all individually because every single gift whether big or small really mean't the world to be, to be remembered and being thought of. by the time i told them how much i appreciated they're wonderful  gifts, we had only a hour and twelve minutes left  to enjoy playing video games before my friend's parents get here ohh so sad.

In the middle of playing with everyone , i realize that Brandon was not playing with the rest of us and was  what i'm assuming 'nervous'  for what i  don't know; he just had  worry -ful  eyes on his face. I decided to put down the controller and head to his way, i could see that he was definitely nervous which really made no sense considering the setting we're in.

"What's up bran ?" I stared at him

it seem like he didn't like my approach because he didn't respond or even mur mur anything.

"It's okay ....are you okay ?" i smiled as i playfully punch him

"yeah" he faked a smiled

" really i can see that something is obvious troubling you...what is it ?" i searched for his eyes to see if he was going to be un-honest.

"uhm ahhhhhh.........ca..n I-ahh-talk to you....outside ?"

"Ah okay bran just let me get my shoes" i assured him  then he nodded.

"so what is it brandon ?"

" I-i-i have something to tell you ?" he sounded as if he was asking something,

"Yea okay go right ahead "

"I mean i kinda " brandon innocently looked at me

"kinda, sorry what ?" i stared at him confused

brandon looked a little turned back but eventually gained his bravery

" Okay so it's your birthday and for a while now i have kinda ha--v--e  a cr--us-..s.hhh on..yo-u." brandon spitted out.

And i just stood there still until i hugged him and made him seat inside , I'ave never thought of him in that way AHHHHHHHHHHH but you know what i'm not going to make my birthday awkward so i tried to forget and enjoy the presence of family and friends . 

I said goodbye to everyone one by one as they left even Brandon i could tell that he  was still embarrass but embarrassment is a part of life , I learn't that just like three months ago and i have stuck with. 

going to my bed was kinda weird but tomorrow will be better and eventually Brandon and i will forget. I said my night prayers and fell straight asleep with cookie my cute little puppy beside me.


 So yeah that's what's happening , i'm sorry again for not publishing in years but school really discourage me and also my phone screen broke and i had to use the desktop so they're might not be any picture or a few chapters :( but i'm strong and alive without  a phone so that's a plus +

please : vote , recommend , comment , share , and continue reading !!:) ;)

also please read :

mean't to be - diamonquie50

i'm falling for my bestie - diamonquie50

Oh Olivia - Ilovekittens01

I'm falling for the nerd - Ilovekittens01

Growing Up Amoy - Aprilhylton (me)

Oh Shalom - Aprilhylton ( me)

The Broken - Aprilhylton (me) - yea i published it and I'm so glad and i hope that you guys will read it.



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