Chapter 6

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Rayne's pov

It's been days, and I still see signs of Terminus. Promises of a sanctuary, a safe community and survival. It seems like these tracks never end, they keep going straight and then they'll split two different directions, and you just keep going straight. My supplies were running low, and I didn't know if I would reach Terminus first, or run out of supplies. Either way, I would make it, even if I didn't eat for a couple of days. 

I only had three arrows I found scattered in the woods, and nothing else to protect myself with. I had found out later that the gun had fallen when I was being chased. I didn't have anything to shoot the arrows with, but if it came to the worst case scenario, then I guess I could shove the arrow through the walkers head. Thinking of walkers, I hadn't seen one in a long time, and usually they were everywhere, but I guess I couldn't complain.

Birds kept circling in the sky, locusts buzzing in the trees, and small rodents scurry across the floor of the woods. It was a never ending cycle of events. I would walk three boards down the tracks, a bird would chirp, and locusts kept buzzing. I would walk three more boards, a squirrel would run to another tree, and leaves would be shaken off. The little woodland creatures were relatable in the way of their actions, though. I mean, they move and communicate for their well being and survival. They're always looking for new shelter and sources of food, they don't hesitate to kill threats. Right now, people act the same as animals, we group together and steal, we scavenge and attack. 

Now I don't really know why I've been so philosophical lately, perhaps its being alone that makes me look deeper for the meaning of things. Maybe it's the search for answers, why things happen the way they do. But maybe it's just because I don't understand. I don't understand why I was left alone, why I was tracked and attacked, why the prison was destroyed. I don't know if Terminus is still up and running, or if it's a trap, for all I know, everyone could be dead and turned. Everyone from my group could be headed the other direction. But all of that is out of my control.

Days later I felt I was reaching the end of the tracks, and back into civilization, the trees kept thinning out farther down the path. I could see black smoke trail up into the sky, and I could smell something in the air. I picked up my pace a little, even though my energy was low, because I had made it. I could see the fencing and the barbed wire. I walked up to this huge gate, feet dragging and stomach rumbling. I saw people inside, looking back at me. One guy with short brown hair walked up to the gate and unlocked it. I walked inside and looked for anyone in my group, but they weren't here. 

"Hey there kid, what's your name?" The guy asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Rayne, I'm Rayne." 

"Well, Rayne, welcome to Terminus, you're the first person here in a month or so. Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll give you the welcoming tour." I was guided to a big barn looking building and was given another set of clothes. The door shut behind me and I walked up to a shower stall and set the extra clothes on the floor.

Feeling the hot water hit my skin for the first time in a long time felt amazing. It's like I could feel the dirt and dried blood roll off of my body. Washing my hair, I felt small twigs fall out, and I decided I need a haircut, probably to my shoulders. I was more than reluctant to turn the water off, but I also didn't want to become a prune. 

I put my new clothes on, which, oddly enough, fit close to perfectly. Nothing was too loose, nothing was too tight, it was a wonder they had just my size. I went over to the small mirror on the wall, above the sink, and found a hairbrush and toothbrush they had laid out for me. I brushed my teeth before starting on my hair, because I knew brushing out my hair would take a strong fifteen minutes.

After taming the wild mess that was my hair, I went to find someone to ask for scissors, so I could cut my hair. I opened the heavy door and squinted my eyes in the sun, I saw the guy with short brown hair so I went up to him,

"Um, excuse me, but, do you have a pair of scissors I could borrow?" I asked and he nodded, and motioned for me to follow him. We went to the kitchen area and he grabbed one of the six pairs there and handed them to me. I thanked him and went back to the shower house. Looking in the mirror, and deciding where to start, wasn't all that hard. I grabbed a large portion of my hair and cut it, making not the most perfectly straight line in the world, but it would do. I did the same to the other side and tried to even out the sides, without looking like I had some weird bowl cut. 

After I had returned the scissors, I followed the brown haired guy and he led me to a huge building in the center of the complex. 

"Ok, Rayne, everyone is in there, and you're going to go through introduction. It's very simple, you'll tell everyone your name, and then we'll go down the line and introduce ourselves, and our part in Terminus." I nodded and he let me go first into the housing unit. He went to the front of the line, and I stood in the center of the circle of people around me.

"Well, I'm Rayne, and I found this place after my old place was destroyed." I said and everyone replied,

"Hi, Rayne." My tour guide stepped forward and started the circle of introduction.

"I'm Gareth, and I'm the leader of Terminus, come to me for any questions or concerns." I nodded and everyone in line followed suit.

By the end of the introduction circle, I had figured out everyone's name, even though I probably won't remember them all, and their positions, which, most of them were either kitchen duty, or recruitment, whatever that means. But for the rest of the day, Gareth showed me where everything was, and by the end of the night, I finally felt safe, even though I was missing my group terribly.

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