Chapter 11

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**Unrelated, but, this parody is the best thing.**

Rayne's pov

"This is your last chance to tell us you're coming out."Gareth warned us.

Bodies hit the floor, you could just tell by the loud thumps. The others had finally circled back around.

"Rick you know we'll shoot through to that office-" Gareth yelled but was cut off.

"No!" Gareth screamed. There was a moment of short screams, and then silence.

"Could've been us." Rick said and we walked out of the room.

There, laying on the floor, was Gareth, intestines spilled out, fingers shot off. This was the same man that showed me mercy when I was starving, the same man who took me under his wing, and let me into their community, granted, they were cannibals, and they burnt me.

I guess my stare was going on for too long when someone pulled me away.

"You don't need to see that." My mom said and led me away into the same room we came out of. I was zoned out, just thinking about how nice they were to me, and now they're dead.

The next day was spent paying our respects for Bob, who, had fallen victim to the fever.

"This is our route to D.C. and we'll stick to it as long as everything goes smooth, and if it doesn't well, you know the destination." Abraham said and handed Rick a map.

Glenn, Maggie, Abraham, Rosita, Tara and Eugene left on their way to D.C. The bus took off down the road, and we all went back to our daily business. Tyreese and Rick were burying the bodies, while the rest of us were just hanging out.

The next few days passed by uneventfully, just chores here and there, nothing much.

Gabriel, however, has been giving me the creeps. He's always lingering around Carl and I, whether we're on watch, taking care of Judith, or just talking. He's just always there. Shortly after the group left for Washington, Carl and I were heavily making out, making sure to be away from the others, and he just walks in and starts a conversation.

He recited some kind of bible verse,

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from immorality; that each one know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in passion of lust." We broke away, equally annoyed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him, not amused by this.

"Well, the Lord disproves of any immorality. I'm only trying to help you." He said.

"So, let me get this right, you think we're being immoral, just because we kiss?" Carl asked and Gabriel cleared his throat.

"Well, I also have come to believe that other actions are taking place."

"And what makes you think that? We're around everyone all the time." I asked him.

"Well, it's well known that teens like to, um, explore and experiment at this age-"

"Stop. We don't do any of that stuff, even if we wanted to, there's too big a risk." Carl said and we can see Gabriel deeply embarrassed.

"I'm only trying to help you know that abstinence is the right way." He said and walked out. We both rolled our eyes, and started where we left off.

That happened three days ago, and he hasn't talked to us since. Right now, we're making spikes outside of the church for extra protection, and boarding up the windows.

Condemned. Sequel to 'Don't Look Back'Where stories live. Discover now