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Carl's pov

I watched in complete and utter shock and mortification as Rayne's body dropped to the ground with a hard thud.

"No!" I screamed and fell to the ground with her, cradling her head on my lap, the blood seeping from her temple to my jeans. Her eyes were peacefully closed, the perfectly blue no longer visible.

"No, no no no." I cried loudly. I brushed the hair out of her face. I heard Daryl scream in agony and fall to the ground on his knees. Chaos was all around me, but the other screams were muffled, and all I could focus on was Rayne.

"No, no." He said and joined me by my side, watching her now lifeless body. Both of us uncontrollably crying.

I was hyperventilating and choking on the sobs that raked my body, I didn't want to believe this was real, there's just no way it's real. There's no way she just took her own life in front of me. There's no way. It's not real.

The pain felt like it was literally breaking my heart, piece by piece. Rayne was dead.

I don't know how long I cradled her and cried for, it could've been an eternity and I wouldn't have known. All I could focus on was the body of the girl I loved with every fiber of my being, every piece of my heart.

I don't think I'll ever be the same.


Just hours after her death, we had taken the bodies back to Alexandria, where they would be given a proper burial.

We left Rayne for last, and as I stared at the mound of dirt that concealed her, I suddenly found the words I felt would bring her life justice.

"Rayne Grace was an extraordinary girl. She was kind, caring, loving, and above all she was family. She was family to each and every one of us here." I paused, and let my gaze linger on Daryl, who was standing in the back of the small crowd.

"Her love never faltered, not even in her final moments. I remember the first time I ever saw her, it was back on Hershel's farm, and I had been shot. I tricked her into getting a glass of water, though there was no running water. After that, we stuck together." I took a shaky breath, recalling the sweet memories.

"We were constantly around each other, even through the bad times. I was there when she lost her brother, her best friend, and her mom. She had a strong, resilient soul. Although her soul was strong, it was also empathetic and loving." A single tear ran down my face as I looked down at the dirt.

"She took Kaylee and Dean under her wing, and help show them the new way, she did that selflessly.  She wanted to help as anyone she could, and she's helped every one of us in a special way." I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"I know she's touched my life in an unbelievably unforgettable way. My life will never be the same. I'll never get to hear her laugh again, or see her beside me when I wake up. I'll never be able to see her eyes, her beautiful eyes." I knew I had to end my speech soon, or I'd lose my composure.

"We'll all miss her, but she'll still be with us. She'll be in each and every one of our hearts forever." I ended what could've gone on for hours.

As everyone walked slowly walked away, I stared down at the brown dirt concealing my one true love. Tears welled in my eyes, and I didn't try to stop them, or try to fight them off. Daryl stayed with me, standing at my side in silence.

"Come here." Daryl said and brought me in for a hug. It's not his typical behaviors, but he just lost his only daughter.

"It'll be okay, we'll be okay." He said, and released me from the short lived hug. I wiped my eyes and nodded,

"Eventually it will be." I whispered. He nodded his head and stared at the cross at the top of the grave.

"She's in a happier place. She's with her brother, and her mom. She's okay now." He said, took in a big breath and slowly walked away from the grave. I watched him walk away for a little bit before turning my attention back to Rayne's grave.

I looked at the carved letters and numbers in the cross and sat down beside the grave. I ran my fingers over the engravings before letting my hand drop onto the dirt. I took my hat off and held it in my hands, watching the sun set on the horizon.

I sat beside her grave in silence until the sun was concealed by the high walls of Alexandria. I sighed and looked down at my hat once more, turning it around in my hands.

I stood up, and placed my hat on top of the cross,

"Goodnight, beautiful."


I don't know about you guys, but I'm crying like a baby.

I can't believe this series is over already, it seems like I was just finishing the first chapter of Don't Look Back yesterday. But here we are, at the end.

Thank you to everyone who made it all the way to the end and joined Rayne and Carl in their adventure together. I genuinely appreciate you.

See you in my next adventure guys!


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