chapter 8- her fathers hate

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Dedicated to SarahThomas249 go follow her she's immense. Much love, k. Xx

I felt Tabby's soft skin against my lips as she fidgeted in her sleep.

I thought nothing of it when she slid out of bed.

I wondered what time it was...when would we have to be at Lisa and Franks house?'s Christmas...IT'S CHRISTMAS!

I opened my eyes just as Tabby came back in the room.

Tabby held a wrapped box in her hands.

She placed it in my lap and came back to kneel beside me.

I opened it up slowly, a bunch of stuff sliding onto my knee.

I saw a little guitar keyring, with 'world's best rock 'n' roller' on it.

I saw coupons for a sushi restaurant in town. I'd definitely be taking Tabby there.

I saw...a little box. Just like mine.

I paid extra attention to this one.

I opened the little box slowly, it was a silver necklace with a little locket.

I looked to Tabby who was chewing her lip as she watched me unwrap my gifts.

I popped the locket open, seeing the little photographs.

One was my mom, sending a pang through my heart.

The other, was the photo of Bobby and I when we babysat him.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I hugged Tabby close to me.

" Thank you. I love it. It's so great. " I whispered thickly into her neck.

She held me in her arms and I kissed her cheek.

I wiped my eyes and looked at the rest of my gifts.

I smiled when I saw some more coupons.

1 year of free repairs on any motorcycle.

I grinned and hugged Tabby tight.

" Just what I needed! Baby, thank you so much. " I said.

She smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

" I've got your present under the tree. " I said, taking her hand and leading her to the living room.

I knelt down and reached to the back of the tree.

I produced the wrapped box and smiled as she opened it.

I saw a blush spread across her cheeks as she looked down into the box.

" Merry Christmas, baby. Would you like to spend the rest of your Christmases with me? " I asked, watching her blush harder.

My heart stopped when she shook her head.

" No...I'd love to spend the rest of my Christmases with you, Jake. " she said, leaping forward to hug me.

" This makes my present look really bad now. " she sighed.

" No it doesn't. You got me the things I love and the things that I'll use and that's what matters. Money doesn't have value when you put thought into a gift. " I said, holding her in the cold air.

We got dressed and had breakfast, opening other presents and looking forward to seeing our families come lunchtime.

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