Tough Times

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Jessica's POV

I walk back to my locker. I need to do this quickly. My mom is expecting me to pick up some milk at the store so i need to get a move on. 

Suddenly, I spot Parker running into the janitor's closet. I look through the window and lucky he's not noticing me. I see him with a Spider Man suit on. Then I see him slip on his mask. I hide as he runs out and hops out the window. 

After he jumps out, I run into the closet. I will find out what he's planning and stop it. 

Peter's POV

I put my suit on and jump to the window. I see Grizzly out there destroying time square. I jump out and swing over to Grizzly. 

I spin a web in his face and kick him in the face. 

I tie him up and press a button on my watch to call S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Peter: Fury. I caught Grizzly

Fury: Good job Spider Man. Are you coming to the meeting in an hour? 

Peter: Well, yeah i kinda can't miss it. 

Fury: okay see you there. 

I hang up. I'm about to spin a web, but then I feel like someone's grabbing my arm. Suddenly, i'm being lifted into the air. "Woah what the heck?" I say. 

I land on the building. I look up and I see that Spider Woman girl again. "Okay webs, what do you want with me?" she asks me with her hands on her hips.  

"What? I don't understand" I reply. 

"Oh don't act like you don't know Spider man or should I really call you Parker" she says. 

My eyes widen. How does she know? Well the only person who knows my last name who is a girl is. 

"Jessica?" i ask. "What who's Jessica?" she asks sarcastically. "Really, So you figured out who I am? I figured out who you are and I know you're evil" he says. 

She walks up to me. "Would a villain do this?" she asks. She lifts up my mask and kisses me. 

When she removes her lips, i take off my mask. "N-N-N-No" i studer. "The i'm not evil. And i'm not sure you are ether Parker" she clears up. "My name is Peter Parker so just call me Peter" i clear up. 

"Sure. Do you work for S.H.I.L.D?" she asks. I nod. "can tell. i've been wanting to be recruited for a while" she confesses. "Well, i'm going to a meeting, maybe i can get him to recruit you" he decides. "Cool. See you around Parker" she says while flying away. 

She's cool. No no. Ava is your girlfriend. Besides, she probably doesn't like you ether. Wait why did she kiss you? 

hey guys Leia here. So what are you thinking so far. Sorry about the shortness. i want the chapters to be longer so i think i will make them longer. 

anyway, don't forget to comment, vote,  give me ideas, check out my other stories and fallow me. if you fallow me, i fallow back. and all those things would mean a lot to me. 

yours truly, leiakatniss21

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