This is Getting Weird

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Jessica's POV

I sit on my laptop jamming out to some music. I'm pretty excited because the team is going over to stay at Peter's for the weekend.

I get out a back pack and throw some cloths in there. Then, I get out of my long pants and put some shorts on. I put on a red shirt and my jean vest an put my hair in a side ponytail. (photo on the side)

Suddenly, my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and see it's Sam. I press talk and start talking.

Jessica: hiya

Sam:hey. Are you coming to Peter's tonight?

Jessica: yeah you?

Sam: yeh wouldn't miss it.

Jessica: we'll see you there

Sam: bye

I hang up and lie down on the bed.

I get my phone and my bag with my costume and gadgets inside, slip on white knee high socks and black sneakers and leave.

(Time Jump)

I get off the bus and arrive at Peter's. I knock on the door. The door opens and I see Peter. "Hey Jess. The team's inside" he say. I walk in as he shuts the door.

I walk t the couch and sit beside Ava who has her face buried in a book.

"So, what do you usually do when you're with friends?" He asks while sitting down beside me.

"Well, I never really had friends. I'm a loner" I confess.

"Oh" he says. "Well, these are called team bonding exercises." I nod.

Peter's a nice guy. I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend.

I fiddle around with my  bracelet for a bit. I feel a tap on the shoulder. I look up and notice Sam staring at me. "Hi" I say. He waves. "Did you just get here's?" I ask. He nods. " I don't mean this in a mean way but, what do you want?" I ask. "Well, Luke, Danny, Ava and Peter are going out, so did you wanna do something?" He asked. "Uh sure" I decide.

(Time Jump)

Right after the door shut as Luke, Ava, and Danny  left, I sat down on the couch and look down at my bracelet. Sam comes and sits beside me. "whatcya doin?" He asks. "Playing with my bracelet" I reply. "Why do you always wear that thing?" He asks. I look up at him. "Someone special gave it to me a long time ago" I confess. "Who?" He asks. "My brother Davin. He was my best friend, until one day he was taken from me" i confess. "Is he dead?" He asks. I nod. "He died in the same fire my parents died in. My sister Rexine and I survived" I confess. A tear rolls down my check. Sam puts his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay" he takes his other hand and wipes the tear off my check.  I smile. I "thanks" I say. He smiles back.

"Do you wanna go out to eat?" He asks. I look around. Why not? "Sure why not?" I respond. I grab my phone and bag. Sam grabs his bag (that has his helmet in it) and we head out the door.

(Time Jump)

We enter the restaurant. It's not McDonalds but it's sort of like it. "What do you want?" Sam asks. I look up at the screen. "I'll just have fries I'm not that hungry" I say. He nods. "Go get a table I'll order" he decides. I nod.

I find a booth close to the door so I sit there. I take out my phone and realize I got a text from Peter. The text read:

Where r u?

I text him back. The text read:

At a fast food restaurant. U?

Peter: at some restaurant. We're coming back soon.

Me: Kay Kay c u soon

Pete: bey

I shut off my phone and place it face down on the table. I see Sam come by with a tray of food. He sits down as I pick up my fries and start to dig in. I look at Sam. It's eating worse than I am. I continue to stare at him. I laugh a little bit.

He looks up. " oh sorry" he apologizes while whipping his mouth. I chuckle. "It's fine" I say. "I think eat just as bad." He smiles.

(Time Jump)

We enter the house. "Did you have fun?" He asks. I nod. I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone. Suddenly the screen went black. I look beside me and see Sam. "That should be off" he points out. I place it down on the table face first. I look deep into Sam's eyes.

Sam's POV

I look deep into her dark eyes. I lean in. She leans in. Before our lips can touch, Peter pushes me to the couch.

"Getting too weird Sam" he points out. Jess slips her hair behind her ears and I run my fingers through my hair. "Oh sorry" we say. "Tomorrow we have school. Let's get to bed" Peter decides. I nod and so does Jess.

I walk upstairs and go into the bathroom and put on my loose shorts and t-shirt. I look over across the room. I see Jess in a pair of black yoga pants, a loose t-shirt and her hair in a high ponytail.

I walk over to my room. I look at Jessica. I can't stop thinking about her. I hope she finds out how I fell abut her.

Hey guys Leia here. So what did you think? and what did you think of of Sam and Jessica getting together? Let me know

Don't forget to comment, vote, fallow me, give me ideas, and read my other stories. If you fallow me I fallow you back.

Yours truly, leiakatniss21

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