We Can Party On Our Own

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“So, what are we going to do tonight?” Luke asked, eager as ever to get out and about once the sun goes down.

I didn’t really care what we did in the evenings; the way I see it we’re all going to be together and there’s bound to be booze. The setting doesn’t really matter.

“Pub?” Kier asked but with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. We always end up going to a pub and by the sounds of it, I’m not the only one who’s a bit bored of it.

“Can do, not really much going on down there tonight though; no band or anything playing” Laurence said, with the same sort of tone as Kier.

I decided it’s time for a little change and quickly formed a plan in my head.

“If we don’t want to go to the pub, then why don’t we stay in? We could have a movie night and invite people round!” I exclaimed, excited about doing something a little different.

The guys all smiled at my idea, enthused at the suggestion.

“Sounds good! Small problem, who are we going to invite round? It’s Friday night, everyone’s probably got plans already. Not to mention we barely have any snacks or drinks or in fact a movie chosen.

"Maybe we could ring Danny, see if he and the guys want to come over?” Drew asked, thinking quickly on the spot.

“Danny, James, Cam, Sam and Ben are all up visiting Oli and his mates this weekend” Luke explained.

“Well then, guess we’ll just have to have a five person party!” Kier decided, grinning.

“Hell yeah!” “Sure” “Why not?” “As long as there’s cookies!”

Yeah, the last one was Drew. No prizes for guessing that…

“ ’Kay then. Pilnahn, you choose a movie. Laurence and I will grab some drinks. Timids… be timid”

“Well done dishing out jobs there, Kier. I think me and Shane are being overworked though, being a Timid is hard!” Drew whined jokingly.

“Shush you!” my red-fringed friend said, pointing at him while grinning.

Deciding to follow Kier’s orders, Drew and I flopped down on the black and red couch side by side, close enough that our shoulders brushed.

He opened his arms out to me and uncrossed his legs (yeah, Drew sits with his legs crossed… I don’t even know…). I immediately climbed onto his lap and put my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What do you guys want to watch?” Luke asked, crouched down in front of our extensive DVD collection.

Both Drew and I shrugged. We weren’t all that bothered when it came to movies; mainly because we usually ended up tickling each other and putting popcorn down each other’s shirts instead of paying attention. Yeah, we usually get kicked out the room during movies by the others, apparently we’re annoying… don’t know what they mean…

“The Hangover?” Laurence suggested as he walked back into the room, carrying various bottles - by their tops, between his fingers - with Kier in tow (also carrying alcohol).

“What so you can work out what not to do after you’ve drunk that lot?” Drew said, eying up the large quantity of booze they were holding.

“This is for all of us, not just me, dumbass” Laurence said with mock exasperation before smiling.

As we all took a drink and settled down, Drew and I shared a look. The we-don’t-like-this-movie-all-that-much-so-let’s-just-drink-and-go-along-with-it-and-have-some-cuddles-instead look.

That’s one of the things I love about our friendship – we can communicate what we’re thinking with just a look.

Drew gently squeezed my waist as I snuggled into him before looking at the screen.

Oh God, Kier, Luke and Laurence are already discussing a mid-movie shot contest…

Thank goodness I have Drew… 


Four movies and countless bottles of beer and spirits down, it was safe to say that none us were thinking very clearly. Though Drew and I aren’t that big a drinkers, we felt a bit out of place not drinking. So we just went with it and did a couple of shot contests. Well, I think it was a couple; my memory wasn’t all that good…

Kier was currently doing some sort of Greek dance (shirtless) while Laurence shoved money into his girl jeans… great, because I needed the scaring image of Kier as a pole/lap dancer imprinted in my brain… thanks guys, thanks a lot.

I stumbled turned around when I heard a bump and a “whoopsie!” from behind me. The

“whoopsie!” came from Drew presumably, who tripped over the coffee table and was now lying flat on top of it giggling like a school girl.

“Hehe, you are sooooooo drunk, Wooly!” I teased before – much to Drew’s amusement – hiccupping.

“So are youuuu, ShANUS!” he declared as he lifted himself up from the beer-sticky surface and cautiously made his way over to me.

“Nu-huh!” I disagreed, shaking my head violently for effect before stopping when it made my head hurt and my visionblurrier blurred.

“Yeahhhhh. Did anyone ever tell you, you have pretty eyes, Shaneyy?” he asked, bringing his hand up to rest it on the back of my neck.

I shook my head again, laughing slightly as his hand tickled me when it brushed my neck.

“Well, you do. You have pretty eyes, and pretty hair, and pretty hands, and pretty lips…” I felt his hand on the back of my neck press down a little harder and noticed how his eyes trailed down to my lips when he said it.

Is it just me or has this conversation gone past friends level now? Even for Drew and I this is a whole new level and we’re closer than most couples are.

I was about to say something, I’m not quite sure what, I mean, what do you say to that? But in the end I didn’t get to because before I knew it Drew’s lips crashed against mine. I was drunk and not expecting it, so I didn’t really think of any consequences. All I registered was that a cute guy was kissing me and I certainly wasn’t going to push him away. Wait, did I just call Drew cute? Yeah, I guess I did.

I got taste vodka on his breath but I didn’t really care because once you got used to that it was just pure Drew. God, the things that boy can do with his mouth should be illegal. I ran my hands up his back and tangled them into his soft hair, earning a small groan from him when I pulled it slightly. The noise must have registered somewhere in my brain and I was suddenly very aware that it was Drew I was kissing.

He’s my best friend! This is wrong!

Though… it might be wrong, but why does it feel so right?

Then, I felt cool air rush against my lips and I opened my eyes (when did I even close them?) to see Drew move back and flop down onto the sofa – a smile on his face.

“Dre-Drew?” I mumbled before realising the soft rise and fall of his chest and his closed eyes. He’d fallen asleep.

Drew and the others were thoroughly drunk by now but I was only tipsy; I’d almost certainly remember it tomorrow. Drew on the other hand? It was doubtful.

The question is, what did he mean by it?

Was it just drunken affection? Or something else? They say drunken minds speak sober thoughts… Or was it just the booze making him stupid?

Did it mean anything?

I don’t know.

With Drew it could mean anything…

Only he knows why he did it and due to the liquor he probably doesn’t even have an answer…

Nobody really knows…

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