It Was Only A Kiss, It Was Only A Kiss

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The scent of bacon in the morning is a blessing, especially if you had a hangover like mine. I felt sorry for the others; if I felt like that and drunk less than them, God knows what they felt like...

Especially Drew, he doesn't handle alcohol all that well, bless him.


I didn't know what I was going to do about what happened last night while he was intoxicated.

I remembered the kiss clear as day despite the alcohol in my system at the time. Whether Drew did?


As I rolled over, I noticed that the other side of the bed was empty; for a second I was confused before I remembered how Drew had passed out on the sofa after we kissed. I rubbed my hand across my eyes and blinked away the sleep so I could see clearly, before untangling myself from my duvet and heading towards the kitchen. I was only wearing a baggy grey t-shirt and boxers, but I didn’t really care. I could smell bacon, therefore there were more important matters than getting dressed.

“Morning, Shane” Laurence greeted me quietly as he carried a plate of food over to our breakfast table, obviously suffering from a headache.

“Morning guys!” Okay, maybe being purposefully perky just to annoy the four very hungover people was a bit mean… funny as hell though.

“How? How are you so…?!” Drew asked exasperatedly from over by the stove, gesturing at me.

“Not completely dead?” Kier finished for him, rubbing his temples lightly. I have to say, when Laurence then shuffled closer to Kier and start rubbing the sides of his head gently for him, I ‘aww!’ed a little.

“That would be due to the fact I was sober-er than all you dumb fucks” I grinned before making my way over to Drew, who was holding out a plate to me.

Was it wrong to be excited for breakfast? Don’t judge me, okay? Because oh my God, it’s safe to say I’m in love with Drew’s cooking! So goooooood!

“First of all, sober-er is not a word. Second of all, would you mind not making sex noises while you eat?” Luke asked, setting off a domino laughing effect on the others.

“Leave it out, it’s good food!” I defended, before tucking in and ignoring them all.

Once I had finished, I took my empty plate over to the sink and started to wash it up.

We really need to get a dishwasher…

As I rubbed the plate with a tea towel and set it on the rack, I felt someone grip my arm loosely. My eyes travelled up their fingers, along their arms and up their pale neck before finally focusing on their face.


“Shane, can I possibly talk to you for a minute in the other room?” he murmured, quiet enough that the other guys didn’t hear him.

“Sure” I followed him to our bedroom and closed the door quietly behind us once we were inside. Hangovers suck, I wasn’t going to be the door slamming asshole.

“What’s up, Wooly?” I forced myself to sound casual, he was probably going to ask me a normal question but my mind just kept reminding me of the kiss.

What if he remembered?!

"Shane... Last night... Please tell me you remember last night?!"

Oh great! He does! ... Wait, he wants me to remember? That means he's either freaking out and wants someone to reassure him it meant nothing... Or he wants me to remember because it meant something to him...

Honestly, I hope it's the second option; I'd be lying if I said that it didn't mean something to me. We may have been drinking but you know what they say - drunk actions are based on sober thoughts. Kissing Drew again has definitely been on my mind since I woke up sober... 

"Yeah, I remember..." I kept my tone neutral, not wanting to hint to him how I felt about it.

"Shane..." he moved forward, cautiously reaching out to take my hand. Sensing his nervousness, I reached out the rest of his way and pulled his hand up between us.

"Yeah, Drew?" I whispered, nervous but excited at the close proximity.

"I may have been drinking - as the hangover proves - but when I kissed you, I had never been in a sober-er mind set" his brown eyes gazed up into mine and held me unplaced; entranced by those beautiful orbs.

"I thought sober-er wasn't a word..." I pointed out, smiling at him.

"The things you do to me, Shane... I'm even using made up words now..."

With that I tipped my head down and joined our lips, savouring the taste of Drew without the taint of alcohol.

"It's good that you meant it, otherwise I would have been nursing a broken heart as well as a minor hangover..." I admitted to the boy with the honey coloured hair.

"I'll never hurt you, Shane. I promise..." his words made me buzz warmly inside. It was a pleasant feeling, especially when you teamed it with Drew's warm fingers entwined with mine.

"So... What does this make us now?" I asked him, curious to know where we stood.

"Well... we can be whatever you want us to be... I would like it though, if maybe we're... together?" he asked cautiously. He didn't need to be though, did he really think I'd say no?

"I think that sounds like a great idea" I beamed at him before pecking him on the lips again.

We stood there content in each other's arms for a while, just smiling and kissing and hugging. Then a thought occurred to me, what would the other guys in the band think?

"Drew, what are we going to tell the other guys?"

He stopped placing butterfly kisses on my neck for a second and looked up at me, realising the implication.

"I don't know... do you think we should tell them?"

I thought about it for a second.

They're our best friends, they deserve to know. But then again, we don't know if this is even going to last. What if in a week we break up? Of course, I sincerely hope we don't, but what if we do? The guys are going to be all over this and if we break up then they'll probably make a big deal out of it. I doubt that it would be overly awkward between Drew and I if we did, we've been friends since forever! But the others might feel awkward about it. It could even wreck the band if they felt they had to watch what they said and like they had to take sides... 

"For now, until we know how this is going to work out, I think we should keep it quiet" I hoped he wouldn't be angry at me for suggesting it.

"Make sure it's love not lust?" he confirmed, thankfully he seems to understand. I nodded and he smiled.

"Good thinking" Drew praised, making me blush slightly.

"So, what do you think will happen? Do you reckon this could be something serious, or just two confused boys who are misunderstanding their attractions?" Drew asked, it didn't sound accusing or anything, just genuinely curious.

"I think this is more than just an attraction, but at the end of the day, no one can predict the future"

I snaked my arms up and around his back and pulled him close, so our chests touched.

"Nobody really knows, right?"

"Yup" I giggled and squeezed his small waist, causing him to chuckle into my neck and place a kiss below my ear.

I really hope things work out with Drew.

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