Cherry and Vanilla *Keveridge one shot sequel*

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It started when the Timids got together (well, officially. They came back after a date Shane set up and officially announced that they were together and serious). That was when I started to notice Laurence; not in the usual best friend way but in a romantic way.

I'd notice the way a strip of skin on his lower back would be exposed when he reached up for a glass. I'd noticed the way he sometimes sucked his thumb as he slept and looked adorable while doing it. I noticed the way he bit his lip occasionally and looked through his eyelashes. I'd noticed the way his face looked so beautifully serene as he fell asleep.

What brought this on? Why am I only noticing these things now?!

I took time to reflect on all of these things as I gently removed the glasses from his face (he'd fallen asleep reading).

I fell back gently onto the bed and sighed; I already knew the answer.

Seeing the Timids in a different light has made you re-evaluate your own relationships. Is Laurence a friend? Or something so much more? 

I rolled over into my side slightly and looked at the sleeping boy; his black fringe fell messily over his face and a small smile was on his lips - like he was having a pleasant dream.

I wonder what he's dreaming about...

I watched as he shuffled slightly and his lips parted a bit.

I might actually get to find out. Occasionally, very, very occasionally Laurence talks in his sleep. It's usually music related or nonsense, it's still amusing though. 

What he eventually mumbled surprised me though, especially when I noticed the way he was shifting.

He was moving slightly, his lips curled into a smile and little moans escaping his parted lips. I decided he was probably having a sex dream due to the fact he had a hard on and was whimpering slightly.

“Kierrrrr” he mumbled deeply, making my jaw drop ever so slightly.

Is he dreaming about me? About me and him?!

Luckily or unluckily, depending on how you look at it, Laurence made no more noises after that. After a while he stopped moving and lay still again, he breathing evening out as his did.

Did he really just have a dream about me and him? Also, why am I not freaking out? It’s so strange, I’m almost… happy? No, wrong word. Regardless, I should be disgusted or creeped out, yet I find myself smiling at the sleeping boy.

I could feel insomnia calling so instead of trying –to no avail – to sleep, I just propped myself up against my pillows and let various thoughts worm their way through my head.

A little voice inside my brain seemed to be trying to tell me something; it sent wayward thoughts to me about how I would like to hear Laurence moan my name like that when he’s awake.

I tried to suppress the images, knowing that it was wrong to think about my best friend like that, but it didn’t work. He flooded my thoughts and all I could think about was the little things I’d noticed earlier.

His lips get so shiny when he sings; I wonder what they’d feel like to kiss, probably all soft and tender and… oh shit… well, I think I worked out the problem.

It probably took me far too long to get it but at least I knew what the hell was wrong with me now.

I have feelings for Laurence… bloody brilliant… nice job, Kier, way to go and fancy your best friend/ band mate… nice one…

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