More-Than-Friendly Relationships

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After the Timids made a quick escape to the bathroom, Laurence, Luke and I all started talking. With Laurence and I in the conversation, it didn’t take very long for the conversation to become slightly inappropriate for a restaurant.

“Is it just me, or did it look like Drew knocked that glass over on purpose?” Laurence asked, looking between Luke and I.

“I’ll have to agree with you on that, Bevers. It did look slightly suspicious…” I smirked, sharing Laurence’s thought wavelength.

Yes, we assumed it was something dirty. Don’t judge us, it’s how we are.

“So you two reckon it was all some clever ruse that Drew came up with to get Shane to go to the bathroom with him?” Luke questioned, raising his eyebrow at Laurence and I.

“Yes” “Yes that is exactly what we reckon” we replied at the same time.

“Do you think I should go investigate?” Laurence asked, grinning. His food forgotten now that we had scheming and something more fun to do.

“Let me go, I’ve practically finished my food anyway, yours will get cold otherwise” I volunteered, being the caring friend I am.

“You don’t care about the food; you just want to go in case they are doing anything so you can tease them!” Laurence moaned but jokingly before nodding me towards the bathroom and picking up his fork again.

“Maybe…” I grinned as Luke interjected.

“You’re both being stupid, they’ve just gone to the bathroom. Drew accidently knocked a drink onto Shane and they’ve gone to clean it up. Yeah Shane could have gone on his own, but it’s the Timids, they’re practically joined at the hip!” Luke huffed exasperatedly.

“You keep telling yourself that, Luke!”

“I bet you ten quid there is absolutely nothing going on in there! And you’re going to look pretty stupid when you burst in and then have to walk back out again saying ‘oh, I thought you were getting it on like in a dirty porno, sorry, my mistake’ ”

“You’re on!” I called as I jumped up from the table (earning myself glares from other diners and the staff) and half walked half ran over to the door of the men’s bathroom.

Full of expectation, I pushed the swing door open and stepped inside the pristine bathroom. I was not disappointed.


“Oh my God, we were totally right! I knew it, I KNEW IT!” I cried out as I saw Drew and Shane kissing, wrapped up in each other’s arms.

Upon hearing my voice they both jumped apart and turned to stare at me, wide eyed and with flushed cheeks.

“K-Kier!” Shane stuttered, his face changing from bright red to a ghostly white. “We weren’t- I mean we’re not, I mean, it’s not what it-” you could hear the panic in Shane’s voice as he tried (and failed miserably) to come up with an excuse and deny what I just witnessed.

“Calm down, Shane! It’s cool! You just won me a tenner, I should be hugging you!” and I did.

“Oh my gosh, that’s just too cute! I so wish I had my camera! Wait, damn it, why didn’t I film it?!” I cursed myself for not thinking of getting video evidence.

“Wait, Kier, before you start-” Drew started speaking but I was too excited. Partially for them and partially because I proved Luke wrong.

“Yeah okay, we’ll talk about it later, k, Drew?” I told Timid No. 1 as I headed back out the bathroom door again and rushed towards our table.

I really should calm down, I’m pretty sure that waitress is about to try and kick us out…

“Ha! I told you so! That will be ten pounds, good sir!” I told Luke gleefully, holding my hand out across the table.

“Wait, were they really kissing?!” Laurence asked me, a grin to mirror mine.

“Yup! You lose Luke!” I chuckled and took the two five pound notes he held out to me. As I sat back down in my seat, I handed one of the notes to Laurence.

“You were right as well; besides, we’re besties, we share everything!” I said, putting on a camp tone.

“Wait, unless you get herpes, then you keep that shit to yourself” I added on an afterthought.

Laurence slapped my leg under the table, so I oh so maturely stuck my tongue out at him. Throughout this, Luke was just staring at us in disbelief.

“Sorry to interrupt, lovebirds, but I think you’re missing the point! Drew and Shane are in the bathroom making out and all you two can do is make STD jokes!” Luke exclaimed, gesturing with his hands wildly.

“Actually, I’m pretty sure herpes is technically an STI instead of an STD” I helpfully correct, enjoying the look that Luke gets on his face when he wants to kill one of us but can’t because of public witnesses.

“I know where you sleep, Kier. Don’t forget that” Luke threatened.

“Do you now?” Laurence interjects suggestively.

“God’s sake, you two! Seriously, stop talking, you’re lowering the IQ of the whole room!” Luke begs, hiding his face in his hands.

“Rude!” Laurence and I exclaim at the same time before bursting out laughing.

“You’re kind of right though, do you think they’re like in a serious relationship? Or just spur of the moment fooling around like Laurence and I do sometimes?” I asked after I had calmed down a little.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t just learn that about you and Laurence. That was not a mental image I needed while eating” he said before pushing his plate away from him in a dramatic gesture. “I don’t know though, maybe? It’s the Timids” he said, like ‘it’s the Timids’ explains everything. In a weird way though, it sort of does.

“They do realise that they’re going to have to come out of the bathroom sometime, right?” Laurence asks, glancing at the bathroom the Timids have yet to emerge from.

“Yeah, they’re just trying to delay it as much as possible” Luke agreed.

“Well, this is the way I see it. While they’re in there, there is no one guarding their food. So…” I reached over the table and skewered a bit of food of Drew’s plate using my fork.

“Really, Kier? You’re choosing to think about food right now?!” Luke chuckled.

“Well you know what I say, Pilnahn. Never waste an opportunity!”

Laurence just shook his head at me with an adoring look on his face.

I felt his hand brush against mine slightly, causing me to look up at the dark haired boy – who’s expression was pure innocence.

Truth is, Laurence could be an actor, which makes it incredibly hard to tell when he’s lying or anything.

Therefore, whether or not he meant to do it? Nobody really knows.

Is it wrong that I kind of hope it was intentional though? I guess seeing the Timids like that made me realise that maybe I want something more than ‘spur of the moment fooling around’. I’ll just have to wait it out. Until then? I think I’ll just keep stealing Drew’s food…

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