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Laurence’s POV


Being the nosy parker I am, I decided to confront Drew about what I saw last night. Of course, I could have asked Shane, but I’d probably get more out of Drew (plus, Drew’s ticklish, that’s always a sufficient method of getting information).

“Oh, Wooly!” I called out, grinning deviously so he knew I meant business.

I watched as Drew poked his head out of his bedroom, his eyes widening when he saw my expression. He ducked out of the room and started to run down the hallway, heading towards the bathroom and safety from my confrontation.

“Nuh-uh little Timid! You’re mine!” being taller is definitely an advantage in this situation. I easily caught up to the escaping Drew and picked him up by his waist – turning him to face me in my arms as I did. Instinctively, he wrapped his legs around my waist and clung to me, worried that I’d drop him. It was un-necessary though, I pick him up all the time and I’ve never dropped him.

I walked with him struggling slightly in my arms and took us to the kitchen which was – for once – empty. Shane, Kier and Luke had all gone grocery shopping, leaving me with the perfect opportunity to question Drew.

I sat him down on top of one of the counters so that he was eye level with me and stood between his legs. To most people it would probably look a bit weird but it’s just how Drew and I are. Hell, at the last photo shoot we did, we took a photo of us with my hand over his crotch.

“Look at me, Wooly!” I tease, tilting his head up towards me so he’d look me in the eye.

“What Laurrrrrrr?” he whined, dragging out my name.

“We need to talk, little Timid” I told his pouting face.

“About what?” he questioned cautiously before frowning. “Kier told you, didn’t he?”

None of us had talked about how Kier walked in on the Timids kissing last night. We just pretended nothing happened (okay, I kept it to occasional shared glances with Kier accompanied with giggles).

“Yeah, he did” I smiled as Drew rolled his eyes exasperatedly. “Seriously though, Drew. What’s going on between you and Shane?” I decided that it was time to be a bit more serious.

“I.. I don’t know.. okay that’s a lie, I do, at least, I think I do…”

I nodded my head for him to continue, which he did.

“We’re together, but it’s sort of experimental, if you know what I mean?” he tried to explain but his attempts weren’t really working. I still had no clue what he meant.

“No, not really. What do you mean by ‘experimental’?”

“Well, we wanted to make sure actually wanted a relationship with each other rather than just playing off a physical attraction”. That made a bit more sense.

“So you wanted to make sure that it’s love not lust?” I confirmed.

“Pretty much. I’m pretty sure it’s not just lust but love? I’m not sure…” he admitted.

“You like him but you’re not sure if you love him?”

“Yeah… the thing is, I really, really like him. I might be in love with him but I don’t know it. I’ve never been in love with anyone before, how would I know what I feels like?” he whispered sadly, leaning forward to bury his head in the front of my hoodie.

“You can’t just define what is and isn’t love, Drew, as it changes for everyone. How can you tell if you’re in love? Nobody really knows. I’ll tell you one thing though, I’m sure at one point in your relationship, something will happen and then you’ll realise your true feelings. Trust me, you’ll know when you’re in love” I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

He pulled away from me after and while and looked up at me, biting his lip before starting to speak.

“When did you realise you were in love with Kier?” he asked cautiously.

I stared wide eyed at the honey-haired boy.


“I’m, I’m not, me and Kier? No way, that’s…” Drew just shook his head at me as I kept trying to start talking before finally interrupting me.

“Laurence, I’m not blind, or stupid, or ignorant. I’ve known you for ages, Laur. Just from the way you look at him, the little smile you get when he talks to you, the way you always seem so happy around him, the way you act like he’s the centre of your world and you orbit around him, I can tell that you love him” he stated, all I’m-telling-it-like-it-is ish.

“Drew…” I pointlessly tried to argue back.

“That’s kind of funny actually, how it’s easy to evaluate how other people feel. Yet it’s nearly impossible to know yourself…”

“Yeah…” I just gave in and agreed, not in the mood to fight or lie to Drew.

I leant forward and picked him up by his waist again, putting him safely back on the floor. We smiled at each other before heading off to do our own things.

“Oh, and Laurence?” I heard Drew call just as I was about to go into mine and Kier’s bedroom.


“Everything we just said stays between us”

“I couldn’t agree more” I chuckled.

Nobody Really Knows (FVK / Timids Fic)Where stories live. Discover now