Chapter 2: Where am I???

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*Rose's POV*

I wake up with a pounding headache. I open my eyes and see that I'm not in my room. I sit up and try to get off the bed, but my ankle was connected to something. I look down to see that my ankle is cuffed to the bed. Where am I??? 

'How am I going to get out?' I thought to myself as I try to somehow get my ankle out. I hear footsteps coming towards the room and I freeze.

'Shit shit shit shit! What's going to happen to me?' I 'said' to myself as the door opens. I see 4 guys in the doorway looking at me. I cower as far as my cuffed ankle lets me. One of the guys walks up towards me and I want to scream so bad but I'm too scared. He sits down next to my leg and I'm shaking so bad. He puts his hand on my leg and I flinch terrified that he's going to hit me.

"Hey it's ok I'm not going to hurt you unless you disobey us. Now we have some rules: 1) no running away or you get punished. 2) no fighting us or you get punished. 3) you will listen to us, or you will get punished. Am I clear?" He explains and I nod. He unlocks the cuffs and I pull my ankle towards my chest. I start shaking as the other boys come closer.

I look at them, the first one has black hair and looked Asian, the second one has blonde hair, the third one has crazy galaxy hair, and the fourth one has curly light brown hair. The one with the blonde hair was sitting on the bed, the one with black hair sat down right next to me and I move away.

I'm in the corner and the room started spinning as I start gasping for air. I really hate small spaces, a lot. I don't think the boys knew or cared that cause they were coming closer. I start to see black dots in my vision and everything goes black.

*Michael's POV*

I watch as she goes limp. Oh well, more fun for me and the others I guess. Our original plan was to kidnap her and get the ransom from her parents. We already have her and we left a note on the counter. Now, all we have to do is wait for the money to come in.

"What happened?" Calum looked concerned, well more like frightened. Luke sighs.

"She passed out dimwit. I think she either had a panic attack, has claustrophobia, or both. I wish we didn't pick a girl with so many disorders. Oh well, when we get the money we can kill her." He shrugs and I look at him in shock. That wasn't the plan, we were only going to keep her until we get the money and give her back. It's not like she can tell anyone, she's mute.

"Wait! We never agreed to that. We were only going to keep her until we get the money and give her back. It's not like she can tell anyone, right? I mean she's mute for crying out loud." Ashton says as if he was reading my mind. I and Calum agreed with Ashton. Luke huffs and runs his hands in his hair.

"She can draw really good dumb asses. We already showed her our faces. Do you want to go to jail? No? So we have to kill her." We shake our heads and he continues. "Then I suggest that you get the stuff and torture her. It's not like she would scream or try to make any noises. Now GO!" He snaps and we get the tools.

When we come back she was awake and shaking. It took me a few minutes but I realized she was crying. I feel so sorry for her, but Luke told us to do it, so we have to. She notices the tools and moves back into the corner. I almost wanted to give her a hug and tell her that it's ok.

"Get over here, NOW!" I snap and she jumps but doesn't move. I sigh in frustration and grab her hand. She tries to pull her hand back but I'm way stronger than her. I push her into the chair, that was in the middle of the room, and tie her up. Tears were streaming down her face so I wipe the tears away. She flinched as my fingers brush over her skin. I sigh and motion for the other boys to come here. She starts shaking again and more tears rush down her face.

"Boys you know what to do," I say pointing at her. A look of horror crosses her face. "I'm sorry," I whisper so the others don't hear. I grab a knife and slowly drag it down her arm. Blood started coming out of the long cut and she was crying harder and moving around to get away from me.

I plunge the knife in her arm and her mouth opened but nothing came out, but I know she was silently want to scream. I pull the knife out of her arm. I set it back down and let Calum take over. I walk out of the room so I don't see what he does to her. I don't think I'd be able to watch.

A/N: hey guys sorry for not updating. I have a lot of pressure right now with school and I have bad writers block. It sucks cause it's happening with all my other stories. But anyway how have you guys been. I seriously want to know. Love you penguins, bye.

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