Chapter 19: Getting Back Together

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*Rose's POV*

I am now in the hospital. Apparently, I have the flu. So, here I am in a hospital bed surrounded by machines and wires waiting for my test results to come back. I had an early case where I was just getting sick. At least that's what the doctors said. I had to be in the hospital until I stopped throwing up and my fever went down. I felt so bad, my stomach hurt, I was really hot and my hand was cold from the IV drip. I listened to the noise of the hospital. Footsteps pounding on the floor, machines beeping every few seconds, coughing, the disgusting sound of someone throwing up, and the constant sound of people crying, talking, or laughing. It made me feel even lonelier than I already was.

"Hey." I hear a knock on the open door and I look over to see Ashton smiling.

"You're not supposed to be here. I'm contagious. You can get sick." I say, sitting up. Ashton shuts up and sits down.

"I don't really care if I get sick. I already got the vaccine." Ashton says as if he knows everything.

"You know, they guess on what string on the virus you're gonna get and you have to hope that you don't get one you're not immune too. It's just fact." I reply, telling the complete truth. His mouth drops as he looks at me.

"Who knew you were so smart. Anyway, how did you know that?" Ashton asks and I shrug.

"I research stuff when I'm bored. It's a very weird habit." I say (I actually have this habit). Ashton chuckles as his phone rings.

"You should answer that." I point out and he groans, taking out his phone and answering the noisy phone.

"Hello?" His voice was rough so he cleared his throat. I listened in to his conversation.

"She is??? Do you want me to tell-?? Ok ok sorry. I won't tell... ok bye Mike." After the weird conversation, Ashton hangs up and looks at me with bright eyes.

"Guess who's in the hospital? Don't tell the boys I told you." My mouth drops. Naomi. I smile and begin to speak but Ashton shushes me.

"Yes, she's in the hospital. I don't know what room Naomi is in though." Ashton says, reading my complex mind.

"Wait, how did you know I was going to say that?" I ask and Ashton shrugs, laughing.

"Well, you are predictable." Ashton declares and my jaw clenched.

"I am not. I can be unpredictable if I want." I say and Ashton laughs louder.

"Oh, could you? When you do, record it. I would love to see you do something other than what you usually do." Ashton says and I groan, falling back onto the uncomfortable hospital bed/chair thing.

"Ashton?" I ask and he looks over at me.

"What?" He replies and I stare at him for a moment.

"Is Naomi ok?" I ask, my voice shaking a little. His eyes soften as he shrugs.

"I don't know. I was only told that she was shot in the arm." My jaw dropped and my eyes widen. She got shot?!?

"What room?" I ask/demanded even though he told me he didn't know.

"I told you I don't know." Ashton replies and I groan in frustration.

"I'm gonna to go find her." I declare, moving to get up only to be pushed back down by Ashton.

"You can't because, one, you have the flu and you are contagious. Two, because you're not allowed to see her, she's in surgery once again." Ashton says, looking down at his phone. He turns it around to show the text that Naomi was in surgery once again. I groan in absolute frustration.

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