Chapter 21: Bones

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*Rose's POV*

I had just gotten home with Ashton and I was ready to sleep in my bed. I trek to my room and fall onto my bed, already falling asleep when I hear Ashton coming into the room. He climbs over me and cuddles into the crook of my neck, his arms wrapping around my waist. Before I fall asleep, I think about how he used to hit me, now we act like a couple. My mind travels to Naomi, as I fall deeper into unconsciousness. She was having twins because she was raped by Luke. I was going to help her out with those children. My body shuts down as I fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning with a cold bed and a searing headache. I groan in pain, curling up into a ball, holding my head in my hands. I hear the door open and footsteps coming towards where I was. My eyes were squeezed shut as I tried to think about something other than the pain. I started thinking about seeing Naomi and I get excited, momentarily forgetting about the searing pain in my head. I was so excited to see my best friend, my only friend, after what seemed like an eternity. A smile crept onto my face but it was quickly washed away when a wave of pain washes over me and I groan, my excitement washing away.

"Hey Rose, are you ok?" Ashton asks and I shake my head, the pain getting worse.

"I have a headache," I whisper, rubbing my temples. I hear Ashton hum in response and footsteps walking away. A few minutes later, I hear the little patter of feet coming up the stairs and into the room. I open my eyes and look up at Ashton, who had a cup of water and two pills in his hand. I sit up, my head throbbing as I take hold of the cup and pills, tossing the pills back and swallowing the water. I lay back down, closing my eyes and sighing deeply. I feel Ashton climb over me, laying down next to me. He wraps his arms around me like last night and sighs into the crook of my neck.

"I really wish my headache would go away soon, I'm going to see Naomi today. I can't deal with this shit." I groan out and I hear and feel him chuckle against my skin. I whine as a wave of pain washes over me, and I feel Ashton's hands move up and down my sides. Usually, I would think this was weird because it wasn't Jake doing it, but it felt so, right when Ashton did it.

"Just let the meds do its work," Ashton whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. I was becoming tired again even though just a few minutes ago I was full of energy, and pain. My eyes began to feel heavier and my body was shutting down. I had a moment of panic. What was going on? I hear Ashton talking on a phone.

"It's done." With that, I pass out.

*Ashton's POV*

I watched as Rose fell deeper into unconsciousness and I call Luke. You see, last night Luke contacted me, telling me that the girls might be planning something. He then asked me to drug Rose. At first, I didn't want to because I was in love with Rose. But when Luke said we might go to jail and he would kill Rose and Naomi, I was forced to push my feelings aside and drug Rose. I felt so bad, but I know what Luke is capable of.

"Did you do it?" Luke's voice says as he picks up the phone. I sigh before responding.

"It's done," I say heavily. I was seriously not ok with this, but I didn't want her and Naomi to die. I look down at Rose, she was curled up in a ball.

"Now, bring her to the place I told you about." Luke's voice was hard, but nonetheless, I did as he said, picking Rose up and carrying her bridal style to the car. I held the phone against my ear, barely listening to Luke speak as I drive to where he told me to. I had this bad gut feeling, but I brushed it off. I look in the backseat, seeing Rose sleep peacefully. I really wish I didn't have to do this. I look back at the road and try not to think about what was going to happen when I had Rose over to Luke.

"I'm here," I say bluntly into the phone and Luke hangs up. I see Luke come out of the abandoned building with a bright smile on his face. He jogs up to the car and I unlock the doors. I get out and watch silently as Luke picks up Rose's unconscious body, Luke turning around to face me.

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