Chapter 11: Please Wake Up

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*Rose's POV*

Everything was black. I can feel and hear everything but I can't move or see anything. The last thing I remember is getting beaten by Luke, Michael, and Ashton before everything went black. The pain was everywhere and I could faintly feel someone holding onto my hand. I don't know how long I've been like this, maybe a day or a year. I can feel a tube down my throat and my body was covered in a full body cast.

Suddenly a white light blinded me and I noticed that I could move. I see my mom, brother, and sister standing in front of me and I run over to them giving them hugs.

"Mom, I missed you guys so much." I cry and I hug her tightly.

"Baby, we died in a car crash two months after you were kidnapped," Mom explains pulling away, wiping more tears away.

"No that can't be right. If you guys are dead does that mean I'm dead?" I ask and mom shakes her head.

"No, but you are close to death. Please, Rose, stay alive for me. I know it's hard but please fight to stay alive no matter what. I want you to know that I love you so much, baby." She says before disappearing and I tear up again. I bend down to look at Isaac.

"Hey, bro. I love you, please don't leave me." I cry and he hugs me tightly.

"I miss you so much, Rose. I didn't want you to go. Why did you leave me?" He cries and I look at him.

"I missed you too baby. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to leave you alone. I didn't want to leave you." I say wiping his tears. He felt so real and alive, I can't believe that he's dead. He disappears and I turn to Anna.

"Hey, baby girl. I missed you so much." I say holding back more tears that were threatening to spill. She hugs me and cries into the crook of my neck.

"Mom knew you were kidnapped. We were on our way to drop off the money when a drunk guy crashed into us. We wanted you back so badly and we couldn't wait." She bawls and I could feel my back becoming wet.

"I know baby. I know. Don't cry it'll make me cry. If you see everyone tell them that I miss them, ok? Promise me that you'll take care of everyone." I say and she nods before kissing my cheek and disappearing.

"Hey what about me?" I hear Jake say and I turn around. I run up to him and kiss him roughly. He pulls away and hugs me tightly.

"I miss you so so so much Jake." I finally let all my tears flow down my face. He wipes my tears away and kisses me again.

"I know baby, I know. I miss you so much. I need you to do something for me, please baby." He says and I nod.

"I want you to talk more and I want you to try to love again. Please for me baby?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I can't, I'm sorry it hurts too much," I say and he sighs.

"I knew you were going to say that, I just want you to try. I know that someone really likes you but his friends make him push his feelings away. Just trust me when I say this, he is in love with you. He doesn't know it yet but I do. I want you to give him a chance, for me." He says and I hesitantly nodded.

"Ok, I-I'll try for you," I say and he smiles before disappearing and everything goes black once again making me sad.

I don't know how long I've been in a coma. Everything was still black but I could hear everything clearly. People were talking and I guess they were my doctors. They were talking about how I might not wake up because of how much damage was done. The damage was from my kidnappers Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum! They have someone else with them!!! I wanted to scream but I couldn't move, or speak anymore.

Kidnapped by 5sos// Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now