fuck the law

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As soon as I said I regretted everything about this year I wish I could have took it back I saw the hurt and betrayal in lexi eyes she stood up and storms our nikki and jesse running after her Sean and andy looking out the window they whole class runs to it to see what a going on we see the girls yelling at lexi to stop and Lexi yelling fuck no the girls r pleading but what I said really hurt her I didn't know she was gonna react this way we watch her back out and pull to the stop sign she throws something out the window then takes off only to be hit by a trash truck all I see is red Sean,andy and myself take off running out of the school towards her to see her laying unconscious on the ground all busted up and bleeding fuck the law she turns 18 in 3 weeks and has already been signed as a adult I run to her not sure if I should touch her Sean on the phone with a ambulance I look back to see the whole school outside nikki and jesse crying historically all I can think about Is this us my fault I did this to her I didn't mean I regretted getting with her I regretted not dumping helena I regretted going to helena when she demanded I did but no more Lexi has to make it I'll do anything I can so she will make it but I'm done with Helena and I'm getting cusody of my son.

The ambulance shows up and rushes her to o hospital as we run back to Sean's truck he offers loudly that he'll give nikki and jesse a ride I hear the principal say schools dismissed she knew lexi had nobody no parents no siblings she she asked us to stay with her I kiss my son and tell him I'm gonna fix this and run to the truck where Sean speeds towards the hospital.

We've been sitting in the waiting room for about 3 hours not a word from anybody Sean's and andy r holding the girls as there still sobbing but not crying I just keep looking down I see heels approach me I look up to see Jesse and nikki come over they pull me up and hug me for dear life whispering is wasn't my fault but I knew it was Jesse then hands Me something saying this is what lexi threw out her window I open my hand to see the necklace I had bought her that night I told her I loved her.

About 30 mins later Van comes running thru the doors in tears "have you heard anything I got here as soon as I heard" I grunt "didn't they call you like 2 hours ago thought you and lexi just had a fuck fest this morning" he looks at me confused "NO we had coffee this morning before I left to head back to college I think I would remember of we had sex that girls unforgivable what she said something like that ha that means she was just trying to piss u off dude" I look at him wide eyed seriously she never fucked him just had coffee I laugh alittle at that.

We talk for a couple more hours before a doctor says for us to follow him he takes us to a room where lexi is hooked up to alot of machines tears come to all of our eyes looking at her "doc is she gonna be ok she's gonna pull thru right" Jesse ask "well miss reeds will pull thru we have her in medically endused coma so her body can heal she has 2 broken ribs a shattered eye socket shattered her left jaw bone we had to put a merle eye socket in and merle in her jaw her right keg is broken and there cuts and burns from the road as well" "holy shit but she's gonna be ok right" "yes she will make a full recovery um mr flanery your her cousin am I correct" "yes sir why" "well did Alexis know she pregnant?" "How far along" "a month along" "no no she didn't" "I'll leave yall to have some privacy the baby is fine don't worry"
They all look at me and van wired eye holy Shit if I remember correctly I slept with her alittle over a month ago there a huge chance it's mine me and van stare at each other wife eyed until he smiles what the hell

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