Happy Birthday

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Laying there as still as I can hearing everyone I love around me chatting away I feel Sean squeeze my ankle as Norman's talking "I'll do anything to win her back,I've been talking to Mingus he said if Lexi will take me back he'd be more than happy to move to new York and he's happy about the baby" I want to smile so I decide it's as good as time as any but before I could a little voice stopped me "dad can I talk to Lexi" I hear everyone agreeing and leaving once the doors shut I feel his hand grab mine "Lexi my dad loves you alot please wake up I brought you something" I squeeze his hand he gasped "shhh it's a surprise" I open my eyes looking at a ready eyed little boy I open my arms so he can hug me and he does then he quickly gets down and hands me a bag and in a while voice "aunty Nikki took me to get you something I saw this and wanted my little brother or sister to have it" I open the bag and pull out a light green onsie that says 'my big brothers my hero' tears spring my eyes in happiness "Ming do you want to surprise your dad,can u get him to come her without telling him I'm awake" Mingus nods quickly and walks to the door poking his head out "dad come here look what I got the baby hope Lexi likes it" I smile.

Norman walks in looking like he's been thru hell but still as Handsome as the day i met him,he's not looking at me but down at Mingus smiling at the onsie I decide to speak up "now Mingus you gonna live up to what that onsie says? Norman whips his head my direction and tears are flowing down his face he runs to me hugging me whispering how sorry he was to me and how much he loves me and the baby " Norman I know I woke up last night the doctors had to put something in your drink so you'll sleep and I love you to there nothing to forgive "

For the rest of week Norman kept kissing Lexi and holding her telling her how he's been looking for place in new York close to the college that will be comfortable enough for thee four of us can even came by to congratulate me and promises to visit more

Today I'm am being released I have to come back in 1 month to be cleared for travel and to check up on the baby I'm so excited about my future but scared but that's normal, I arrived at the house to see my family their with warm smiles and we talked about our future in new York city, Norman's wants to do more photography, Sean wants to open a Brazilian ji jit su studio with the money from saving apparently he's rich who knew,Andy wants to try acting that started a conversation that apparently a man named Troy Duffy asked Norman and Sean to be in a Irish action movie called Boondock saints I immediately told Norman to do it he said he'll think about it.

It's been a month since I was released from the hospital hopefully today I'll get the all clear sleeping in a bed next to Norman and him messaging me it's amazing but has my insides going crazy I want to jump him but know why he won't allow it, today it's just Norman and Mingus with me we may be able to find out sex and we all agreed we wanted to know.

Laying down as the doc Dale puts the gel on my stomach I'm even more excited I've got they all clear on everything now just wanting to see my baby, Dr Dale moves the wand around and then tears feel my eyes there's my baby "are why finding out the sex today?" We all nod yes "well little man come here see this right here what's that say tell your dad and um..step mom" I smile at them Mingus has been such great help his smile grows wider "yes!!!! It's a girl" I'm so happy I can't speak but look at Norman as he touching the screen all I hear is our daughters heartbeat and "I've always wanted a little girl, my baby girl" in a whisper voice from Norman

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