Guilt and Realization

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"I have a son"
That's all that kept repeating in her head he had a son she's known him for 6 months now hell been sleeping with him for 5 of them it's Been a Whole month since he said them words I remember that night so vaguely I looked at him with confusion as to why he never told me all he was kiss my forehead stand up walk to my door and whisper goodbye like seriously we finally admit we love each other and he leaves it's whatever even during class he won't look at me won't call on Me if Sean is throwing a party either one of us doesn't go or we completely avoid each other at this moment I know Norman never loved me not one bit I was something lustful he chased Sean told nikki and jesse it's best I don't go to school tomorrow as Norman's bringing his son and girlfriend yeah that right he's had a girlfriend all along apparently they were taken a break while we was together which meant they were still 'seeing each other' I lay in bed listening to Sean attempt at a whisper but the next words that comes out of his mouth tears my hear up "don't tell lexi but there engaged to be married this summer the date has been set to June 21" I push my face into my pillow and cry not only is the man I love getting married but on my fucking birthday I'd be 18 I decide right then no matter what I'm going tomorrow and I'm gonna wear something sexy just to show that asshole he didn't break me!

A whole month since I confessed to her I have a son but as soon as I did the guilt ate me alive me and helena being on a break me falling in love with lexi which just precedent theory I didn't love Helena like I thoughg I did the thought about being away from helena was a fresh breath of air the thought about losing lexi was my breath stopping it's been a Whole fucking month and all I can think about is her I love her more than anything well besides my son I'm only with Helena cause she threatened to take my son away and I can't have that she found out that during our break I was sleeping with someone else horrible thing is I was also still sleeping with her it's crazy how things are I look at Helena and feel rage but I look at lexi and feel love and guilt I didn't cheat on Helena with Lexi I cheated on Lexi with Helena I see the betrayal in her eyes every time I look in her eyes she doesn't notice I make sure of it but tomorrow Helena demanded I bring her and our son mingus to work with me I think she knows I was sleeping with a student she always question which female students I had interaction with tomorrow gonna be painful and I'm not looking forward to it I hope Sean steps in and takes nikki and jesse into not letting Lexi come I don't think I can take the hurt in Lexi face when we walk in it may just kill me or make me do something I won't regret but possibly go to jail for if I see her hurt I'd not be able to stop myself from holding her in my arms and kissing her.

The next morning I get up a hour before the rest will so they won't the and stop me I grab my black short shorts my huge blue bottom up that hung lower in the back but covered my shorts they only way you know I'm wearing any is by the sides that are split just high up you can tell I wear my thigh high boots I do my makeup scrunch my hair and walk out as I start my car I see Sean look out the window with a look of concern I knew he didn't want me to go but he didn't know I already knew that as I left a note on the counter saying I left early not wanting to see the morning loving and makeout sesh
I stop and get coffee apparently today it get to know your teachers better day whoo hoo not the sarcasm I'm stuck in a classroom with nikki jesse Sean andy and yup Norman all day even lunch us in the classroom like WTF seriously I decide to be a little late to school so by time get there there all there and intros have already been done I know Sean will hug me the school records say that he's my cousin don't know how he conned that but ok it been about 30 mins since the bell rang I decide it's been long enough I check my phone to see 16 missed calls from Sean nikki and jesse and 15 texts from just Andy and Sean wow they seriously think I'm gonna go crazy don't they jesh I walk to the office grab my late slip saying it's that time of the month a totally lie but worked I slowly make my way to his classroom I peer in to see Sean sitting in a chair that's turned backwards Andy is sitting in the window seal and Norman is sitting at his desk with a little blonde boy in his lap cute kid shame I'll never get to known him a brunette dressed like the Hollywood's wives is sitting on Norman's desk dumb bitch I take a few deep breaths and walk in everyone heads turn towards me nikki and jesse with a look of oh shit same expression on Andy and Sean's I refuse to look at Norman "Lexi so nice of you to join us mind telling the class why your late" stupid fucking arrogant asshole Norman playing it cool huh well I have a come back to make that smile disappear and I know he won't suspend me "well went out this morning found my ex fucked his brains out I was already late so I stopped for coffee as if it was any of your business here my late slip Mr Reedus" he looked at me with hurt and anger in his eyes I break my stare away and sit in between nikki and jesse there stunned as is Sean and Andy they can't prove I didn't actually find some one to fuck so they probably believe me doesn't help that van was in town this past weekend and he was leaving out this morning "Miss Reeds that was inappropriate that's warning" oohh I'm scared that asshole broke my heart I don't care I just draw random things listening to the question being asked
"Mr Flanery are you single?"
"Um no I am happily taken"
"How about you Mr Lincoln?"
"Nope same here got me a good women"
"Mr Reedus how long has you and your finance been together" I pay close attention to this without looking
"Um well what 5 years now we had mingus here 3 years ago"
"Is she like your soul mate or something"
"I can't say that I mean do we know soulmate actually exist"
"Ok how did all y'all meet it seems you guys knew each other before y'all worked here?
"Ha this may sound bad but I've know ReedusStein over there my whole life and AndyStein here we all met in college" last question threw me off
"Have y'all ever done something or haven't done something yall regret"
"Well myself yeah but not any recently except not asking my girl out faster andy how about you man"
"Same to be honest"
"Um yeah alot this year actually"
"Like what Mr Reedus"
"Just about everything this year besides working here if I could go back and redo it all over again I would but that's a lesson about growing up huh"
I couldn't stand it anymore he just basically said he regrets everything to do with me how could I be so stupid.
I storm out this classroom and ran to my car I look up to see the classroom looking I am pulling onto the main road all of a sudden everything went black I could hear people screaming at me but couldn't see anything finally darkness taken over I allow it


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