what the hell

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It's been three weeks since they accident still no update, tomorrow her 18th birthday and where all hoping she wakes up,doc says the baby is doing great that's good but it still upsets me it might not be mine Vans been here everyday telling her college stories,nikki and Jesse sleep here half the time as does Sean,andy and myself.

The girls told us about there plans about moving to new York after graduation lexi was still planning on going but unless Andy and Sean goes the girls wants to stay for them turns out they were all except to NYU and never told us.

Yesterday I got paper stating I have full custody of my son after I explained the black Helena was giving me I still allow her to see him but under my supervision I even did something risky I told the judge about mine and lexis relationship luckily he understands and was happy he has known lexi her whole life and know how devastated she was after her parents death and happy I am there to be by her Side,even told me if we get back together he will say he gave they approval as he is technically her legal Guardian something else she didn't tell us.

It's about 3 in they afternoon and we all pile into the room waiting on the doctor he called Saying he has news we might wanna hear I'm nervous it could be a number of things hopefully it's good Vans smiling big again what's up with that kid maybe he's just happy he may be a father but doesn't he have a girlfriend?
"Good afternoon I'm Doctor Dale let's see how our patient is today oh I'm her OB doctor I'm just hear to check the baby" as he lifts her gown we gasp her baby bump is very visible how is that possible at 2 months we all look at each other confused watching the doc hook thing up to her "ok let's see how the baby is doing hmm yes there's that strong heartbeat...See that there's the baby perfectly healthy does anyone want a picture?" "Yes a couple actually" I blurt out the man just smiles "um doc I thought she's only about 2 months along how is her bump that big and the baby?" Sean ask thank god I wasn't sure I could "well Mr flanery the tech that checked her the night she came in was new she's actually 3 and half months along" "so that means she was already pregnant before spring break right?" "Yes here's the pictures have a nice day I'll be her OB from now on and will be monitoring the baby every day" as the doctor walk out I am still trying to process she was pregnant before she met van but how,when oh shit I look at van to see him still smiling "what" "I already knew it was yours Norman you see we always used protection plus I got injured last summer making me sterile" he smiles even bigger laughing.

It's been 4 hours since I found out it's my baby and has been all along I've been in deep thought for awhile now trying to figure how I'm gonna win her back if I do I plan to move to New York so she can go to college I've always wanted to live there and do something with my art mingus loves new York always ask me to take him there so that should be a problem.

Looking at her breaks my heart she's my world it's hard to believe it all started cause of a dare I actually just might thank them girls for daring her yeah the moment I saw her I found her incredibly beautiful but thought she was off limits then finding out about Sean and Andy relationship with the girls gave me the push and my God that day I never felt so much pleasure in my life still can't believe she was a virgin I plan to make up for her first it was rough not like your first time should be thinking back reminds when did she get pregnant I've always used a condu..shit that time right before out fight I took her on my desk at home come to think about we had sex a lot that day my bed,my wall,my floor,my shower,my pool,my kitchen table,my couch,my motorcycle dam that day was wow amazing the energy that girl gives me God I hope she wakes up soon I red to tell her I lied and what I really regretted.

*******[SEAN P.O.V]*********

It's about 7 in the morning we all decided to spend the day here with Lexi praying some how she'll wake up the doc took her off the medicine that kept her asleep now it's up to her still can't believe I'm gonna be uncle it's crazy but I'm happy for Lexi and Norman dam I remember the day we found she was pregnant Norman looked happy then upset when he looked at van thinking it possible wasn't his I still remember Van pulling us aside while Norman was outside smoking telling us about his condition I laughed knowing Norman's gonna freak when he finds out,then the doc tells us she further along than we thought and with out a doubt knew it was Norman's he looked so happy it made us all smile he's been going through alot I know he blames himself for this even though the police told us it was a drunk driver that hit her he truly loves her,I remember the day he took Helena to court he told the judge about everything including Lexi turns out now he has permission to be her publicly I'm happy nikki and jesse parents already know about us and approves saying they would rather there daughters with us than some young hot head we plan to move to New York when the girls do I think Norman is as well.

Walking into the door I smile at the site Norman is asleep his hand on her belly his head on the bed and his other hand holding hers I can't resist this I quickly take a picture "shhh the doc had to give him something in his drink so he'll sleep" I smiled and walk over to they other bed side "how long have you been awake?" "About 2 hours doc came in told he hasn't left for days and won't sleep so they drugged him" God I missed her laugh "good he feels this is all his fault but um.. lexi did the doctor tell you" "what that I'm pregnant yes how is Norman taken it" "wait how do you know it's his?" "Cause van told he was sterile even though we used condoms silly" "he's happy but Lexi he did regret u he regretted letting you go...shit pretend your asleep the girls r Coming and he looks to get waking up" "love you Sean" "love you now shh"

"Who were you talking to brother" "Oh no one Norman good to see you've awaken brother today's a special day"

I laughed to myself there fixing to flip there lids

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