im not that easy

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Mr reedus is attacking my lips I try to push him away but he's stronger finally I get my leg free enough that I knee him right where it counts "what the fuck your problem I have a boyfriend or did you not notice is this morning asshole" he looks up at me I see hurt and anger but I brush it off "your only with that guy cause I won't date you... Bet he can't make you cum like I can" he smirks at me it's true he has some hold over me but that might just because he was my first ",well seeing as I didn't get any sleep last night and had a amazing morning id say he's had me cumming all night plus the quickie earlier during free period now if you don't mind I have a B.O.Y.F.R.I.E.N.D To get to just remember you had your chance Norman you want to be a player I however don't wanna be one of the many" I start walking away when I hear him mutter something I brush off until "you don't understand do you I can't date you Lexi I'll just break your heart that's all I'm good for you don't deserve that" "what do you mean Norman only you can decide to break someone's heart if you want to you will if you don't then that's your choice I may only fixing to turn 18 but I'm not about playing games I moved on yes your amazing in bed but you refused to let me know the real you now I'm with van we talk cuddle party have fun and dam is great in bed so before you even think about kissing me again think about that we Can friends and hang out but that is it" knock knock "hey babe I was just on my way"
What the fuck just happened she just basically broke off what ever we had dude I fucked up bad Lexi is a great girl I could see myself with her maybe she right if I want to break her heart I will if if don't I won't I'll have to win her over show her the real me hang out with her and the girls maybe plan a trip or something I'll win her back and I will make her mine if I break heart then it's my own dumbass fault but I'm gonna try my damdist not to I'll show I'm a better guy than this Van guy but Sean's right he does look like me which is crazy.
*1 month later *
It's the week we get out for thanksgiving break I've been hanging out with all the girl alot more it's actually been fun there not immature like most girls there age there actually really fun Vans been there Lexi asked him to stay until he leaves for collage since there not sure if they want to do the long distance thing if I was her I wouldn't I know how that's ends the girls have no plans and no family since they were in a foster home until they were able to prove fit to live in there own this year us guys have no plans so we all decided to do something together I'm bringing that girl Cecila I've been seeing on and off it's nothing serious she know that hell she's a student from another school I met she cool not that great she tries to hard to be good but Lexi God she or felt she doesn't have to try it's like she molds to me as I'm sitting here in class listening to the movie play I think a mine and Lexi last time God it was amazing but then I think about last weekend we were all at there house and well it was like a sex house Sean in his room andy in his lexi and van in her and I was in the spare right next to them all having out way with our women but hearing Lexi moan turned me on beyond belief I didn't even have to tug a little like I usually do with Cecilia that night I pounded Cecilia but imagining it was Lexi i feel guilty but Lexi just has this hold on me I honestly think I'm falling in love with her and I can't stop it I've only ever been in once before and it didn't end well this may end the same way if I can't win her back.
Class ended I quickly grab my bag and lock up my classroom where meeting in the parking lot and heading to my house I hope Lexi likes it,as I walk out I see Lexi laughing and smiling at Van I will admit that guys cool as hell and treats her right I see myself being friends with him but jealously hits me I wish that was me holding her hips me attacking her very smooth tasteful lips and at night I wish it's me that in her bed and her moaning my name I shake that thought no I can't I have to win her back by letting her get to know me "hey Sean wonder what renovations there doing that gives us 2 weeks off work huh so yall ready to do this shitnitz" they all laugh Sean shrugs Van walks Over to me "Norm man thanks for inviting me you still owe me that Race" I laugh yeah Vans cool he got excited when he saw my bike and demanded a race he walks away to his buddies I guess saying goodbye Lexi walks Over which surprises me I guess waiting on Nikki and Jesse isn't such a bad thing "Thank you Norm I glad we stayed friends I know we started off the wrong way but I'm glad where friends couldn't picture my senior year with ya" she kissed me on my cheek very close yo my lips I close my eyes cherishing the moment yup I'm in love with Alexis Reeds and have to win her back I hope her and Van aren't serious I would hate for his heart to be broken like mine was.


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