36 Something jumped

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In the chapel, Father Romy felt something jump down there between his legs. He had never experienced that before, at least not since he lost his memory.

There was also something else. He felt like going to the refrigerator in the rectory and throwing out all the papaya. He felt a distinct distaste for the fruit that had saved him from many a temptation. For some reason now, he couldn't stand the sight of the yellow antidote to all dirty thoughts.

He also felt a little taller. That can't be, he said to himself. He went to the mirror in the sacristy where priests would fix their stoles before kissing them. He looked pretty much the same, except perhaps for a barely noticeable sudden growth of a stubble. He touched his cheeks and his chin. The stubble was rough. He remembered shaving just that morning, not to mention that he really did not have a stubble before.

Crossing himself, he walked quickly to the confessional box, hoping to get some advice from his fellow priest, who was scheduled to hear confessions that day. There was no light in the box. That meant that there was no priest inside. To check, he opened the center portion where the priest would sit and, sure enough, there was nobody there.

Suddenly, the light turned on. That's strange, he thought. Perhaps his opening the door triggered the light.

He felt a strong urge to open the penitent's side. Inside, he knelt down, only to rest his wobbling legs.

"Yes, my son," came a voice from the priest's side.

Startled, Father Romy blurted out, automatically, since he must have done it hundreds of times before, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was . . ."

He stopped. This is silly, he thought. There is no one there. He must have imagined the voice.

It came again, this time much louder. "Yes, my son."

Father Romy stood up, almost bumping his head on the low ceiling of the confessional box.

The voice came. "Relax, Father Romy, I am here."

"Is that you, Father?" Father Romy asked. Priests referred to each other as "Father," the way doctors called each other "Doctor."

"No, I am not a priest."

Father Romy's goose bumps could have made him explode.

"I have come to tell you what's what."

Father Romy remained speechless, but his knees did the talking, as they kept hitting each other. He knelt down.

"You are reincarnated. You died before we were ready for you."

Well, Father Romy thought, that's original, even for his fellow priest, who was notorious for practical jokes.

"Unfortunately, we made a very bad mistake, Father Romy. We reincarnated someone else into your body."

Now, this was really weird, thought Father Romy. He couldn't even begin to grasp the concept of reincarnation, and now he was being told about someone else in his own body.

Father Romy stood up.

"That's enough, Father," he shouted. "You're really freaking me out. Enjoy your laugh."

He went out the penitent's box and opened the priest's compartment. There was no one there.

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