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Maura's Point Of View:

It was Saturday afternoon, and I was putting Jacob in his car seat, so we could go grocery shopping. When we got to the store, I put Jacob's car seat in the front part of the cart, and I went straight to the baby aisle. I grabbed formula, whips, diapers, shampoo, body wash, and more lotion. After I grabbed the stuff for Jacob, I headed towards the fruits and vegetables. When I got to the fresh apples, I saw the tall skinny body with long thick black curly hair. As she turned around, I tired to leave the aisles before she saw me, but it was to late.
"Maura!" Jane called. I turned around and walked up to her.
"Hey Jane." I hesitated as I knew I was about to be interrogated.

"We haven't talked outside of work in a while." She said
"Yeah, I've been really busy." I said
"Really? With what?"
"Jane I need to go. I have a lot to do today." I said and quickly walked away. It broke my heart to do that. I love Jane. I don't really know how. I'm definitely not in love with Dennis  anymore. I don't know if I love Jane like romantically or just as a close friend. I want to tell Jane what's been happening and why I have been avoiding her, but I just can't.
I then grabbed the rest of the groceries I needed, peeking at every aisles before going down them in attempts to avoid Jane. I checked out, I put the ten bags in my basket and headed out to my car.

Surely enough, when I got to my car I saw the very familiar unmarked car parked next to mine. Then I heard the loud clomping coming closer. I turned my car on, then put Jacob in the back seat. I put the bags on my arm, and winced as my arms were sore from all the bruises.
"Are you okay? Do you need a hand with that?" Jane asked
"Jane, I'm fine. The bags are just heavy."
"No. Your in pain. You forget that I know almost everything about you, Maura. I know when your in pain."
"What? No I'm not. Jane, I can put my own groceries away. I don't need your help."
"Maura, I'm a cop I know when someone is lying to me. Is he hitting you?" Jane asked and my eyes went wide.
"No. That's ridiculous." I said
"It would explain a lot. Why you have been so distant why you wear way more makeup then you used to. Why you always wear long sleeves." She said
"I have been distant, because unlike you I have a family to take care of, I wear long sleeves because it's cold, and it's really none of your business." I said loading the last of the bags in the trunk and feeling the hives forming on my chest. I quickly got in my car and drove away from a dumbfounded Jane Rizzoli.

On my way home, I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I just snapped at my best friend and potentially the love of my life. I want out of this relationship. This is not the life I signed up for. I didn't sign up to be someone's personal punching bag. Dennis has pushed everyone out of my life. Now in stead of going to Angela's for Christmas, we are going to Dennis's parents and I get to listen to the whole family argue. I need to start thinking about a plan to get out of this house, my house. I need to tell Jane so she can save me from this living nightmare.

When I got home, I took Jacob out of his car seat and put him in his play pen so I could put the groceries away.
"That took a lot longer than usual." I jumped a little as I heard the voice out of nowhere.
"You scared me." I said turning around and seeing that my abusive husband stared at me with anger.
"Did you talk to someone while you where gone?" He asked crossing her arms.
"N-no. I-I just grabbed the groceries and left. Didn't talk to anyone." I said feeling the hives start to form.
"Hives Maura. You can't lie to me." He said coming closer and then grabbing me by the hair. Then there was a knock on the door.
"Who the hell would that be?" He asked
"I don't know maybe if you opened the door you would know." I said in a snarky tone and he glared at me.
"I'll get the door you take Jacob in his room." He said and I grabbed me son and walked to his room.

Jane's Point Of View:

The door opened and I saw Dennis standing in front of me with a fake smile planted on his face.
"Hello Jane. What a lovely surprise. Maura and I were actually just about to step out." He said and I grabbed him by the shirt before pinning him against the wall.
"Don't give me that shit. Maura is my best friend and I know when my best friend is in trouble." He just had a little smirk on his face.
"Jane, I don't know what you are talking about."
"Don't lie to me. I know that you are putting your hands on Maura. Maura might not have the guts to turn you in, but I do!"
"You don't have proof of this, cause if you did I would be in cuffs. Am I under arrest?" He asked putting her wrists out and I just stayed quiet.
"Didn't think so." He said and walked back inside slamming the door in my face.
I now what is going on in that house. When I find the evidence to prove it, I'm gonna lock that little shit up for the rest of his poor pathetic life. I am done with his little bullshit games.

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