An Unforgiven Grudge

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The memories she sees in her dreams.. Some aren't true. I can't remember all of the good times they had together. Sssooorrry xc


     My breathing became harsher and harsher as I stared through my one amber eye at Cloudtail's bloody body. His fur waved in the wind calmly as if nothing was happening around me. But the battle was still going on. Cats were still fighting for territory. "It was my fault your dead... I deserve to die not you..." I croaked to myself. I started to panic.

     'What if I get kicked out of the Clan for leaving Cloudtail? What if I lose my friends? What if my kits turn on me?' I asked myself.

     I shook my head and picked up Cloudtail's body, swinging him onto my back. I dashed away from the battle and towards the camp entrance Cloudtail and I once went though together. The memory of him ached my heart; I wanted him back oh-so badly. I ran and ran until I got to the Clan entrance. Cloudtail's body started to fall off as we came to camp and I let him fall to the ground. I dragged him in, my head down. Dovewing's ears perked up then went back down as she saw the body I drug inside. She wrapped her tail around her four kits and pushed them in the nursery gently.

     I let Cloudtail lay in the center of the clearing before looking up. "Oh, Brightheart..." Dovewing whispered. She put her tail on my shoulders and went up and down to sooth me. I shouldered it off, "It's fine," I muttered.

     Rosepetal padded out with the six kits peeking out of the nursery. "What's going on with the battle?" She mewed, sitting in front of me. "They're still fighting," I whispered, laying down. "It's okay, Brightheart, it was his time. He fought well," Rosepetal meowed. I nodded and got up, deciding not to argue. I started padding to the medicine den. 'Might as well tell Dewpaw before she finds out the hard way,' I thought.

     I poked my head into the den and Dewpaw turned around. She smiled, "Did we win the battle?" Dewpaw came to see me as I squeezed through the entrance. "Is there any cats I need to help heal yet?" She asked. Tipping her head to the side, she meowed, "Are you alright?" I shrugged, "No, not really. Not sure yet, I came back to tell you something," I whispered.

     Jayfeather turned around and his ear flinched. "Was it that important that your leaving the battle?" He hissed. I rolled my eye, "Yes it is," I growled. "Come out with me, Dewpaw. It's important," I growled to her, trying to ignore Jayfeather's huff in disagreement. I padded out of the den and into the clearing.

     "Dewpaw, Cloudtail is on his way to StarClan..." I whispered, coming out with it as soon as she settled down. Dewpaw's smile of curiosity went away in the blink of an eye. She shook her head. "Your lying!" Dewpaw hissed. I shook my head, wishing it was true. "I'm afraid not, Dewpaw," I flicked my tail to the dead, blood stained body that was once Cloudtail's in the clearing.

     Dewpaw rushed over and dug her face into his pelt. "This can't be true! It has to be a dream! It has to be..." She wailed. I padded over to her and pulled her away. "Shh, Dewpaw, it's alright. It was his time, don't let it get to you," I soothed her, holding her with one paw. She pushed her face into my chest and wept.

     I rested my head onto hers and watched as the battle patrol ran in, another dead body with them. They rested the body of Dustpelt beside Cloudtail's, Spiderleg, Birchfall, Icecloud and Foxleap rushing over to say there good byes.

     I looked around to see where Amberpaw and Snowpaw were. Catching their eyes, they exchanged glances. I gestured with my head to come over. Dewpaw looked at them as they trotted over, her eyes clouded with grief. Snowpaw whimpered to herself as she and her sister came over. "Where were you when the battle ended?" Asked Amberpaw. "Your father is gone to StarClan now, I had to bring him back to camp..." I whispered. Amberpaw nodded, "I noticed. It's hard for me too but I'm trying not to get to emotional about it," Dewpaw stuffed her face in my chest again and she started to breath heavily. Snowpaw looked at her sister and then at me. I looked at Cloudtail's body and Amberpaw closed her eyes, not looking behind her. Snowpaw looked for a brief heartbeat before almost collapsing. I padded up to his dead body and say beside him.

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