An Unforgiven Grudge

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Its been 2 moons since the encounter with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost. We haven't spoken about it, and now, they are looking for Mousewhisker.
For all they know, he could be anywhere. Little do they know that he is in the Dark Forest forever... I feel so bad for him, how I could've been the cat to die. 'But they would've killed him after me anyways...' I keep telling myself.
As the patrol began to trot away from the WindClan border, I smelt Mousewhisker. I stopped and looked around.
And there he was. Mousewhisker. He was sitting by a tree, very faintly. I wanted to talk to him, so I lied, "I am going to look for some prey, I will catch up with you guys later." Squirrelflight turned and meowed, "Well take Berrynose with you."
I hesitated then meowed, "I'm going to do this on my own. If you don't mind, Berrynose?" He turned and shook his head.
I padded off once they disappeared. Mousewhisker's eyes lit up when I sat down beside him.
"Where have you been? You have to at least go to StarClan!" I meowed. His scent bathed my tongue and it tasted of stone. 'That's what spirit-cats taste like?'
"I'm sorry, but once in the Dark Forest, theres no way out..." He whispered, looking his paws. "You have to go to StarClan, there has to be a way." I closed my eye and thought of a way to get him there.
"I can get Jayfeather to bring me to the Moonpool and he will ask someone to help you from StarClan!" I meowed. He looked up, "Brightheart, its not that easy. For one, Jayfeather would never agree to that. Two, StarClan couldn't bring me there and three, none would dare to come to the Dark Forest!" he growled.
"Well, then I can't help you. I will try to go to the Moonpool, but I don't think I would get far. But I will try to connect with StarClan, okay?" I asked him.
He sat there, staring, as if he were thinking.
Mousewhisker sighed, turning his eyes to me, "Alright, whatever. I have to go before they notice I'm gone," He suddenly faded away.
'Great,' I thought, 'To the Moonpool I go...'

* * * * *

I snuck out of my nest and I carefully made sure my paws didn't touch any sticks or dead leaves that hadn't been covered by snow. I sighed inwardly. 'I wonder if I'll be back before they notice I'm gone?'
I silently left camp and darted before the guard could see me, which happened to be Hazeltail, Mousewhiskers' sister. I halted by a tree. She mustn't of seen me. Few!
I carried on and soon, I was at the small river near Moonpool. By then, the moon was starting to go down and the sun would soon be up.
I crossed it with ease, passing small minnows in my trail. When I looked at them, I saw my reflection. It twisted my heart to see half of my face torn. I swallowed and looked away, padding on.
My stomach growled loudly and I groaned. "Now? Really?" I growled to no one in particular.
I heard paw steps behind me and I whipped around.
I scanned the rocks. I saw a cat, a skinny, scarred grey and white tom. He was in a crouch, his teeth bared.
I returned the face and movement then I growled in a unfriendly tone, "Who are you? You don't look like a cat from around here."
He sat up and licked his paw and drew it over his ear. He didn't seem to be hostile anymore. "I'm Smokey," He mewed, stretching. "And who might you be?"
"I'm Brightheart." I meowed. His eyes opened wide in shock. "Oh, so your a she-cat? What happened? You know, your eye." He whispered. Then I told him about what happened, he nodded occasionally as I spoke.
"So your a Clan cat? Oh, well it was nice meeting you." Smokey flicked his tail and ran off.
'So first he is defencive then he asks about my life and I don't even get a chance to ask about his?' I rolled my eye and padded onward.
I came to the Moonpool. I padded in wearily, and all I heard was my claws on the stone and the dripping of water from the roof of the cave. I then saw the pool.
I laid down and closed my eyes, and drifted off into a deep, welcoming slumber.
I awoke in ThunderClans' territory, but it was stormy and windy, not like the tales I've heard of before. I saw a face that I thought I knew, but wasn't sure who. Then, as I trotted closer, I realized it was Spottedleaf.
I darted to her. She looked at me in surprise and shock. "What are you doing here?" She asked franticly.
"I came to plead for help." I panted. She let out a breathe if relief. I looked around. It was gloomier then I expected.
'This is StarClan? What happened to this place?'
"What happened to this place?" I whispered, looking around. "The Dark Forest is rising. Its made us all make boundaries and the weather has made a drastic change." She meowed, looking at her paws. "Oh..." I whispered.
"So what did you come here for?" She asked, getting up and padding to a cave. I followed and meowed, "Its Mousewhisker. He was killed in the Dark Forest and he needs help getting out." She looked at me and looked away. I turned to see Whitestorm, Honeyfern and Longtail.
"What are you doing here, Brightheart?" Honeyfern asked. I looked over at her and sat down.
"Mousewhisker saved me from Tigerstar and he was killed. I need help getting him out of the Dark Forest." I explained, looking from Honeyfern to Longtail. She looked at Whitestorm and Longtail.
"I'm sorry Brightheart, but once in the Dark Forest as a spirit, theres no way out." Whitestorm replied.
"There has to be a way out! Theres always a way out of something!" I pleaded, "I can't just let him suffer in the Dark Forest! He is depending on me to get him out."
Whitestorm sighed then got up. He padded up to me and whispered, "He can get out, but he needs to get out without your help. However they get in, they get out." a thought plopped into my head. 'Closing your eyes!'
"I have an idea. Thank you!" I gasped and before I knew it, I began to fade as I woke up.


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