4th interview HarryGross=))

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Interview: Goodmorning everyone, here we are once again having an interview with the writers all over the world. Asking different questions that could also sharpen or help us survive in the writing industry. And for this morning HarryGross will be our guest for the day. Lets give him a round of applause!!






Q:First question is, when did you start writing?



A: Quite recently actually, about three months ago. I needed a way to release the darkness.



Q: What thoughts came up to your mind after deciding that you will write?



A: How shall I make the story appeal to younger readers too.



Q: Courage that indulge you to do this kind of career?



A: I am very confident in my writing ability. I began, simply to support myself. However, I now realise there is great public interest in my book.



Q: maybe 12 years from now, do you still think to continue this hobby or make writing industry as your career?



A: I'll certainly continue. It depends on how successful I am.



Q: Have you ever been depressed because of the result of what you have written?



A: Yes, but I only write whilst in a sad mood.



Q: Why?



A: The topics I write about are often so powerful, that I can't help but empathise, even when I am trying not to.



Q: Anything that discourage you to write?



A: When I already know the plot to a book, and am beginning to write a new chapter, often it is not as exciting to write as read.



Q: Is this just a hobby or writing really is your world?



A: I need it. It's part of what keeps me sane.




Q: Tips in writing?




A: Every heart holds a story. Once you've found yours, make sure you follow it.




Q: Have you ever been thru the eyes of the critics?



A: Yes, only wattpad critics however. All feedback was positive in the extreme.




Q: How does it feel?




A: It makes me proud of who I am, as my book is essentially this life in metapor.




Q: Closing Remarks?



A: Keep your stories strong, and your souls open.



Interviewer: Thankyou for your answer HarryGross. Um, some of your answers are rather vague but its okay. Well, thank you once again. Goodluck with your dreams and stories. See you next time. Another round of applause audience!!






Interviews from RANDOM AUTHORS!=))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon