Chapter 12- Nerds dont wave pom poms

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"As hell. I think I'm going to puke." I shook my head. "No. I am definitely going to puke." I squeaked clutching my empty stomach.

Today was the cheer tryouts and I don't think I need to say that I am scared as shit. It's not that I'm not ready, hell no I have been practicing this routine this whole past week and I don't need any more time. It's just the fact that I am extremely nervous. Rissa says that I'm really good. She says to give it my best shot and I will get in the team. But, and that's a big but what if someone else is better than me? What then? All this would be for nothing. Tyler would surely go after the new girl rather than me.

"Relax Beth. God how many times do I have to tell you? You're good, like really good. You're a fast learner, that would be so helpful in a newbie! You have no idea how annoying it gets trying to teach newbies all those moves. So see you already have my favor. As soon as the girls see you they'll like you too."

But I shook my head. Rissa is saying this because of our deal. Plus she trained me, she basically pushed me every single day and that's the only reason she's saying all this. She feels responsible.

"What am I even doing here? I am a freaking nerd. Nerds shouldn't even be here! Get me out of here!" I freaked out.

But you can't blame me! This is like my nightmare coming true. How horrible would it be if I were to do a backflip and lose my balance and fall? That would be so embarrassing! Screw whether or not I'd qualify for being a cheerleader, I doubt I'd even be able to show my face at school ever again.

I started to get up to walk out of the gym when Rissa pulled me back down with a harsh tug on my arm.

"Hell to the no are you leaving. I worked my ass off to make sure that you are prepared for this day! I swear if you don't make it I'm going to kill you." Rissa said glaring at me.

"You saying that stuff just makes me more nervous Rissa. You wanna help me? Say encouraging stuff."

"You want me to lie?"

"Wow! You're an amazing friend." I say sarcastically.

"Look. Shut up and listen to me. No! No more complaints." She held up her hand signalling me to shut my mouth so that she could talk. "You're nearly there. Don't give up now just because you're scared. You can have everything you want but not if you aren't willing to take the risk." She puts her hands on my shoulder and squeezes it lightly. "I taught you, Beth. I am the head cheerleader. I choreograph every single of our dance routine and we won for the past three years. Look around you."

"What?" I asked looking around, watching each and every girl stretching obviously getting ready for their tryouts.

"You are better them Beth." She says and at that exact moment a beach blonde girl with a perfect tan performs a perfect backflip.

"Sure." I laughed incredulously. "Of course I am Rissa. I mean it's not a big deal that I've only been practising for this day for the last three months while most of them have been practising for it for their whole lives. Yeah sure."

"Snap out of it." She said sharply and clapped her hands in front of my face. "Don't look at what they can do. Just believe in yourself. You will make an excellent cheerleader. You just lack one essential quality."

"See I told you! I know I lacked something to be here!"

"What you lack," Rissa continued as if I hadn't even spoken at all. "is something called confidence. Go out there and give it your best shot but be confident. I believe in you. The question is do you believe in yourself. Take a leap of faith Beth. Have faith in yourself." She smiled before turning away and walking towards the other cheerleaders who were all observing the girls that came to tryout. Some of the cheerleaders were evn laughing while whispering among themselves.

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