Chapter 8- 'High School' the definition of Hell

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Ask any teenager to describe High School and we will describe it in one simple word: Hell. It's literally hell. What better way to torture someone someone than to send them to high school where the teachers love shoving down tons of information down our throat like its an endless pit and we can store up all those things. Moreover expect us to actually remember them. And what's with the waking up at six a.m? Like no sane person in the right mind would ever do that. I am hundred percent sure that high school was made by the devil and those who attend it are the demons. And I'll tell you why.

We normal people would say that high school is hell but there are some people who says otherwise can be categorized into two groups.

Numero Uno: The nerds. Basically these people have no social life whatsoever and their whole world revolves around studies.

Numero dos: The airheads. Specifically cheerleaders and jocks who think that disrupting the class makes them 'cool' when it actually makes me question whether or not they actually have brains. not to mention all those bullying. Don't even ask me what I had to do to make sure that I stay away from their radar.

So you can understand why I was less than pleased when the school began. More so because I am actually considering on joining the cheer team whom I labelled as the numero dos group of airheads. Talk about motivational speech.

So as I stood in front of the school looking totally different than usual because of the whole makeover shiz, I had this huge debate going on in my mind whether or not I should run away before Rissa could spot me and stop me.

Pros of running: 1) No school.
                               2) I won't be embarrassed.

Cons of running: 1) Rissa would be majorly pissed.

Two pros and one cons but one was enough to make me hesitate on turning around and running. God knows what Rissa would do if she didn't see me at school. Probably torture me by making me exercise for the rest of my life.

'Just run Beth.' I thought. 'And even if she does pretend that you had cramps or something. Anything's better than school.'

"Don't you dare take a step back Elizabeth." Rissa said, her tone interrupting my thoughts and scaring the poop out me.

"Step back? What're you even talking about Rissa? I love this! First day back to hell-I mean high school! Of course I wouldn't run." I exclaimed with fake enthusiasm.

"Uh huh." Rissa nodded narrowing her eyes. "You better be telling the truth Beth because I swear to god if you even try to skip school you can kiss your weekend goodbye. You'd be working triple time." She looked at the school and smiled. "And anyway I don't understand why you would want to run! I mean this is the beginning!"

"Beginning of what? My death by public humiliation or embarrassment?"

"No you silly girl." She giggled as if I had just said the funniest thing in the world. "The beginning of your relationship with Tyler. We'll go in together and it may take some time but soon the whole student body will be staring at us and that includes Tyler. So do as I say and I promise by the end of October Tyler will be all yours." She flipped her hair. "I'm just keeping my end of the deal. But I'll need your help. I cannot do this alone. This your last chance. Walk in with me and you get Tyler and the popular life. Walk away and you get to live in the shadows as a nobody. Your choice."

I looked at the school and contemplated. Well what's a life without u danger and fun?

"Let's do this."


At first when we entered the school building no one even noticed us. They were too busy talking with their friends, laughing and making wild gestures, no doubt talking about their summer. In short they were too engrossed in their conversation to even notice that the head cheerleader just entered the school premises with a possibly new and hot (the last one is Rissa's saying by the way) girl.

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