Chapter - Twenty Eight

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     This was it.

     Today is the day.

     All I felt was butterflies.

  I rolled over in the vacant bed glancing over at the time, it was seven in the morning and there was much to do before the wedding. I couldnt believe it was today, I couldnt believe Nick and I would express our eternal love for one another in a few short hours.

I heard a faint knock on the door then the knob was tuned slowly as the door creaked open. In walked my mother and the girls wearing a silk light pink robe. All of the us had one, Natasha, mom, Paige, and Jenna have the light pink one while I am wearing the white one.

      They all were smiling as they sat beside me on the bed.

"Good morning, sweetheart." My mom said breaking the silence, I smiled at her and returned the greeting,

"Good morning, everyone." They all smiled in return as Jenna stood up and announced.

"Okay ladies the guests will be arriving in six hours. Everyone else is getting the ceremony ready, all we have to worry about is making Ashley's day perfect." I smiled as Jenna leaned in and hugged me. "Alright ladies, lets all shower and meet back in here, the makeup artists and hairdressers will arrive shortly.

Everyone scurried out of my room, leaving me to get ready, my dress and vail were hung up beside a long mirror and my shoes were neatly kept in their champagne colored box with Jimmy Choo written in silver on the top.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my shorts and tank top, wrapped a towel around me and went to brush my teeth and cleanse my face. ( A/N does anyone else brush their teeth before they shower? Or is it just me?)

After my shower I walked out of the restroom completely bare, aside from my white robe, already 5 women were standing outside the room, each with a chair in front of her and some curling tools.

"Luna, my name is Mae. I will be preparing you for your wedding." She bowed her head with respect and i have her a smile as I sat in the chair she directed me to.

Several mental later the rest of my bridal party stepped in and took a deaf with a hairstylist along with my mom, she looked incredibly happy as she watched me in the seat, getting my hair brushed by Mae.

We had spent three hours getting ready, our hair was done so incredibly well each curl places strategically to compliment every individuals face. I chose to go with an up-do simple yet classy, however my makeup had more of a flare to it and I loved it very much.

Natasha walked up to me smiling wide as she handed me a small bag.

"Its bad luck for a bride to wear black on her wedding day." I graciously took the bag from her and peered inside. There was a whit lace bra and white lace underwear. I smiled at her and thanked her as i slipped them on in the bathroom. I came out wearing my robe over it as James walked in shielding his eyes and carrying a box of pizza.

"Im not supposed to look, but Nick said I had to get you some food so your sugars are okay." I raised an eyebrow, watching as he fumbled around the room trying to find a secure place to set the box.

"Who decided on pizza?" I asked, genuinely curious. I knew it was not Nick, because he knew pizza was high in carbs, not that I minded anyway.

"I DID!" James beamed looking content with himself as one hand still covered his eyes.

"Why pizza?" I giggled.

"Everyone loves pizza, Ashley." He said in a "duh" tone.

"Thanks James." I said as he left the room, tripping on his own two feet.

I had my gown on, I was ready, the guests had arrived twenty minutes ago and I was now linked to my fathers elbow, as he looked at me with love.

"Nick is one lucky man, I cant believe my baby is getting married." A tear escaped my eye when I heard his voice crack. He wiped my tear and put down my Vail. "Sweetheart you deserve the world and I know Nick will be the one to give it to you."

"Thank you, daddy." I hugged him tightly and he returned it, not wanting to let go of this moment, or of him.

All of my bridesmaids had lined up, Paige, then Jenna, and lastly Natasha. Each held a bouquet and a smile.

The music started to play and the golden doors that led to the packs yard opened, revealing a crowded, well decorated outdoors. There were hundreds of chairs draped in white with gold ribbon, and flowers placed everywhere including the white isle I was to walk on.

     The girls walked in, with their correct order each of them gracefully walking down the isle, standing in front of everyone. It was my turn, my dad squeezed my hand as I slowly walked with my father right there beside me. I glanced up and Nick's eyes met mine, I stopped breathing when I saw him, he looked stunning standing there in a black tux and champagne colored tie.

   Our eyes never broke until we reached the end of the isle and my father turned me to him and gave me a kiss as he lifted my vail from my face.

    "You've got this kid." He whispered to me and gave me a final hug as he gave me over to Nick who took my hand in his. He smiled at me and I felt the familiar comfort and tingles.

     Nicks father stood before us as he spoke, my mind and eyes focused on Nick. He mouthed an 'I love you' and I smiled repeating the words.

   "Ashley, your vows?" The former alpha asked and I blushed looking over at Nick.
     "Nick, I can't believe we have gotten this far, then again, I did expect a lifetime with you." He smiled and everyone let out a small chuckle. "Nick there are many reasons to love you, many reasons that everyone could see simply by looking at you, I love you because of the love you grant me everyday. I love you for the comfort and security you give me, the humor in your voice when you tell a story, the amusement in your eyes when your around those you love, the respect and love you give to your pack, and most of all I love your heart, the heart that loves everyone, especially your pack. I promise to you today that I will not only be your wife, but I will be your luna, your supporter, your children's mother, and I promise to encourage you in life. I love you Nick." He was radiating beauty as he watched me with awe in his eyes.


"Ashley, looking at you today makes me feel like the luckiest man alive, no I know I'm the luckiest man alive, to have someone as beautiful, as smart and as caring as you, for a wife, you make my heart feel like its going to burst. When I look at you I see innocence because you like to see the beauty of this world and you ignore the ugliness. You're heart is pure and I love that most about you. I can not wait to start this journey of life with you, my love, my mate, my luna. I love you."

     "Ashley do you agree to marrying Alpha Nick, and being his wife and luna?"

    "I do." I smiled tears welling my eyes.

   "Nick do you agree to marrying Ashley, and being her protector, her husband and alpha?"

    "I do." Nicks rugged voice spoke with confidence.

     "Well it is with great pleasure that this pack welcomes you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Nick leaned in as we shared a passionate kiss, sealing our vows and starting our journey a husband and wife.
The End.

Hey!!! I know this chapter wasnt the best but i owe you all an apology for the looooong wait! I hope you enjoyed, im sad to say its the end but this book has reached its ending and i cant believe the journey we were on! Thank you all for reading stay tuned for some exciting news.

Much love,


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