Chapter Four

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The kiss quickly got passionate and heated. Nick lifted me off the ground and wrapped my legs around his waist. We were so caught up I didn't even notice we were in his room now. I tangled my fingers in his soft hair. Our mouths moved in sync and he licked my lips. Denying him entrance, he smiled against my lips and he tickled my side. I laughed, then gasped and he took this chance to plunge his warm tongue into my mouth. Our tongues began the battle for dominance and he obviously won.

My back was pushed against the wall and Nick put his hands on either side of my head. He removed his lips from mine and started kissing down my neck.

"I've n-never done this befo-re." I said between breaths. It was true, I have only had one boyfriend back when I was sixteen and it never got further than kissing. It was never this passionate though, and he always wanted us to have sex, which I just wasn't ready for. It's different with Nick, though.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked huskily. I shook my head, not sure why I did that, and he went back to kissing my neck with excitement.

I moaned and tugged on his hair. He licked all over my neck and peppered kisses along the way until he found my sweet spot just above my collar bone and when he licked it my body convulsed. He groaned from my movement and he started kissing my lips with more excitement and passion then he pushed me into the wall with more force. I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on.

His kisses were now rough on my neck again and when he got to my spot I moaned his name. Loving the feeling of his tongue.

But it stopped.

Everything went away when I felt a sharp sting in my neck. The feeling intensified and I felt two sharp needle like things dig into my neck.

I screamed in agony and thrashed around in Nicks tight hold. The pain was so strong I was sure I would pass out.

"N-Nick!" He didn't budge. "Stop!" I screamed and I started to shake.

Several agonizing moments passed and Nick pulled away. He looked at me with now Black eyes and when he saw my horrified expression, his eyes changed back to their usual grey. What the hell just happened ? I unwrapped my legs from his waist and pushed him away.

I clasped a hand over my neck and when he realized what he did he looked sorry and took a step towards me.

"Don't." I Stuck one hand out in front of me in defense while the other was still on my sore neck.

"Are you crazy? This isn't twilight!" He took another step and I was cornered. I pushed him again this time he wouldn't budge.

"I couldn't control myself." He whispered.

"Control what? The urge to suck my blood?" I screamed.

"I didn't suck your blood." He whispered.

"It sure as hell felt like it." I seethed. He grabbed hold of my head and brought his lips again to my neck. I stiffened and started squirming. His grip tightened and I froze when his lips made contact with the bite.

He began licking and I braced myself for more pain but nothing happened. Scratch that, something happened, it was pleasure.

"What're- what're you d-doing?" I gasped and held on to him, digging my nails into his back. He licked all over the bite and I moaned and melted into him. Why is this happening? Why the hell do I crave his touch? He pulled away, both of us now panting for air.

"I healed the mark. It's not going to hurt you anymore." He healed it? A mark?

I walked to the mirror and eyed myself and the bite, sure enough, all that remains of the gruesome bite was a moon like scar that was surprisingly mesmerizing.

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