Chapter Six

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Okay! I don't think I could get any happier! I'm so blessed, thank you to everyone who has read, voted, and even commented. You know who you are and I just can't thank you enough. I love you all, this chapter is for you!

Did he just say what I think he said? He said 'I love you', right? I can't tell you that my heart didn't flutter, or beat a mile a minute, because that would be a lie. My palms began to sweat and my stomach was doing flips.

I knew I was falling for him and it's only been a few days since we've met but I can't deny my feelings. I want to be completely honest with him.

I was still quiet, and he was waiting for a response. His eyes were searching mine and my head was screaming for me to say something. Say something! Tell him how you feel. Tell him you love him.

"I- I love you too, Nick" I finally breathed. His smile grew wide and I couldn't help but return the smile. I leaned into him and pecked his cheek and hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around me protectively and peppered kisses along my jaw.

He pulled away and placed one last kiss on my forehead and the sound of a door slamming made me jump. He laughed at my reaction and I lightly slapped his chest.

"Where is she?!" A scary voice boomed. I heard the footsteps running up the stairs and I jumped on the bed behind Nick holding onto his waist and burying my face between his shoulder blades, Snapping my eyes shut and squeezing the life out of him.

The door burst open and I yelped in fear and Nick held onto my hands chuckling.

"Ashley, It's okay it's my sister." I hesitantly opened one eye still terrified of who was in the room with us.

"Is she going to kill me?" I felt his chest vibrate.

"Now why would I do that?" A delicate voice spoke. I peered over Nicks shoulder, looking into the eyes of a beautiful girl, looking a lot like Nick.

"Well, just a few moments ago you sounded just like like the exorcist." Nick laughed very loudly at my remark. However his sister looked a little offended but laughed very sweetly.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't wait to meet you." I jumped over from behind Nick and stood in front of his sister.

"I'm Ashley." I stretched my hand out for her to shake. She pushed it aside and pulled me in for a tight hug. I mean tight! Like she was so close to breaking a rib.

"I c-can't breathe!" I managed to get out. She quickly released me and I gulped the air.

"Ashley are you okay?" Nick asked.

"I am now." I confirmed panting.

"I'm sorry, it's just you're so pretty and I'm so excited." I giggled and pulled her in for another hug, this time much less painful.

"It's nice to meet you..." I don't know her name yet.

"Jenna, I can't wait to get to know you. I brought you some clothes, you should get dressed, there are guys here." I agreed with her and grabbed the duffel bag full of clothes. I thanked her and walked off to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and went into the duffel, I pulled out a dark purple tank, black skinnies, black lace underwear with a matching bra. I slipped on the bra and underwear, then the pants and finally the tank. I grabbed a pair of purple high tops and put them on. I clipped my pump onto my skinnies and it hung at my side, lifting the hem of the shirt a little. I brushed my hair and put on a black beanie.

Nick was waiting for me outside of the bathroom. His eyes met mine, then they started trailing down to my body.

"Eyes up here, buddy." He laughed and held his hand out for me. I took it and followed him out the room.

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