Chapter One

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Ashley Stevens

I heard the familiar buzz as my phone vibrated on the night stand waking me up from a rather entertaining dream. I picked up the phone and the brightly lit screen blinded me for a brief moment. Squinting my eyes, I saw that The screen displayed my best friend 'Natasha's' name.

"What?" I growled into the phone and she giggled loudly.

"Well good morning to you, too. Aren't you just a ray of sunshine today?" I rolled my eyes, and responded to her sarcasm.

"Well you woke me up from a really good dream."

"Ah! Now what was this wonderful dream? Hmm?" She mocked.

"That's none of your business." I paused.

"You're such a slut." She laughed.

"Speak for yourself you whore." I countered.

"Okay, just because you're still a virgin, does not give you the right to call somebody a whore." I couldn't help but laugh at her remark, because Natasha slept around a lot. It wasn't random guys, but people she knew at school. She was gorgeous so she really didn't have a problem getting any guy to sleep with her.

"Anyways, there's a party at this club later tonight. Everyone's going to be there. You up for it?"

"Uh- I don't know. I'm not really in the party mood."

"Oh come on! Summer has just begun! We start college in the fall this might be our last party with our friends. Please come?" She begged.

"Alright fine. Come over later and we'll get ready."

"Sure. I'll be there at six." I hung up the phone and flipped the warm covers off of my body and walked down the stairs still in my over sized T-shirt and short shorts.

"Hey mom!" I walked over and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Morning sweetie." She flipped the pancakes and placed them in a plate while I went into the fridge to get something for us to drink. I decided on some cold milk and my mom had orange juice.

I unzipped my glucometer (used to check blood sugar. Everyone calls it a meter.) pricked my finger and applied the blood onto the little strip as I watched the screen display the number five which then turned into one. My blood sugar appeared on the screen, I turned it off, discarded the strip and rinsed my hands.

"What's your sugar at?" Mom asked sipping her juice.

"Uh 109." I said automatically, every time I checked my levels around my mom she would always ask, and trust me it was pointless to lie about my levels, especially when they're not in range.

"Good." She bit into her pancake and I watched her with a smile on my face.

"What?" she asked? I was smiling because of the way she ate, she basically inhaled her food. it was gone as fast as it came.

"I'm going to a party with Natasha later, could I get money to go shopping?" She nodded and handed me her credit card.

"I don't care how much you spend, just don't spend it on useless things."

"Thanks mom." I kissed her forehead and placed my plate in the dishwasher along with my cup. I rushed upstairs to get dressed, but decided for a quick shower first.

After doing what I needed to do in the bathroom, I had dried my blonde hair, and applied some light makeup. I slipped on some cobalt blue skinnies, a black blouse and black flats.

Once inside the mall, I walked straight toward 'Couture Dresses'. Immediately after I had stepped inside, I was greeted by a female employee with a gigantic smile plastered on her face.

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