Chapter Eleven

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In two hours I will finally be on my first date with Nick, can you imagine my excitement? I'm excited, but I'm more nervous, this is the first time we'll be really alone. I'm not the best with first dates, I mean, what if I run out of things to say? If I say something stupid? My palms were clamming up again. Natasha and Jenna were helping me get ready, I was still wrapped in the towel I put on after I got out of the shower.

"Maybe I shouldn't go. It's a stupid idea, I mean we already live together." Natasha put my short dress, I was supposed to wear, on my bed.

"Are you crazy?" Jenna yelled. "You guys haven't been alone together yet and Nick told me he really wants to get to know you better. It's a great idea." She smiled.

" I don't know, what if I mess everything up and he realizes that I'm the worst mate ever?" Natasha turned to me with a stern look on her face.

"Ashley, you're his mate, there is nothing you could ever do that would make him think that." She have me a light hug. "Sweetie his love for you is so strong, it could over look anything, especially since he's an alpha, the bond between you two is stronger than any other." Why is it that our bond is stronger? I guess fate knows I screw up a lot.

"Are you okay now?" Jenna asked.

"If you call this okay." I said slumping on my bed. I shouldn't be slumping, for goodness sakes. I'm going out with the man I love, and we're finally going to get time alone together.

Jenna started on my hair while Natasha was doing my make up. I sat in the royal chair in front of my vanity with Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley's 'Remind Me'.

I sang the lyrics aloud, calming my nerves, a bit Natasha and Jenna were also singing with me putting on some last touches.

James strolled in with a smile on his face as he, too, was singing the lyrics.

"Nick is ready." Then he turned around and walked away.

"Alright, let's get you, your dress on." Natasha stood up and she and Jenna slipped it on over my head, dropping the towel in the process. Jenna gave me my diamond studded heels and I placed my feet in them.

I turned to face them, taking a few steps back, so they could get a better look.

"Damn, girl." Jenna clapped.

"You look hot." Natasha yelled. I awkwardly dropped my hands to my side.

"Really? You don't think it's a little much?" I kind of felt self conscious and started to fidget.

"No, dummy, you look sexy!" She held my shoulders and started shoving me towards the stairs. "Now get your ass downstairs, Nick is waiting." She walked back to the room when we reached the top of the stairs.

As I was walking down, Nick and I stared into each other's eyes. His were now two shades darker and were filled with want and lust. Both our eyes traveled down to each other's body and I must say, he looked incredibly handsome, it should be illegal.

He was wearing a black suit with a white tie and his hair was tousled back. His eyes met mine again and when I got to the bottom of the stairs he entwined our hands and led me to the door.

"You look beautiful." He said leaning over. "It'll be hard keeping my hands off of you tonight." I blushed like a fool. He opened the door for me when we got to his car, then he went over and slid in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked when we got to the main road.

"It's a surprise, but I had the girls help me plan the date." He smiled at me then went back to looking at the road. I undid my seatbelt and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

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